Mekelle City Planning & Finance Office invites suitably qualified experienced in developing a history of Mekelle city Study and Assessment to submit a sealed expression of interest for the study of this project

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Tigray National Regional state Mekelle Administration has  Budgeted to study development history of Mekelle city study and assessment, Mekelle is composed of 7 sub city administrations, with a total population of 500 thousand and above. Mekelle, a central gateway to the various historical attractions of tourism potentials in Tigray, most of which are within a short and accessible reach away from the city. Even more, one can get similar historical resources inside the city. Under the state revenue, the city administration of Mekelle intends to carry out a project on the studying developing history of Mekelle city study and assessment. Accordingly, the city administration now invites suitably qualified experienced on developing a history of Mekelle city Study and Assessment to submit a sealed expression of interest for the study of this project including the following project activities.  

  •      To study each regime in relation to the existence of the city until today.
  • To assess and identify historical sources related to its establishment
  • To show a real image of the city supported by evidence starting from its name.
  • To study the current Mekelle city economically, socially, culturally and politically.

The assignment contract should be with a duration of 3 months   

Mekelle City Administration, therefore, seeks Expression of Interest from eligible firms to provide technical assistance for the developing history of Mekelle city study and assessment. Detailed tasks will be specified in the Terms of Reference and Request for proposal to be provided to the shortlisted firms. In sending their expression of interest, interested firms must provide information indicating that they are registered and qualified to perform the services (descriptions of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions and availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc).

Criteria for Shortlisting

  •      Core business and Numbers of years in the business 20%
  •  Technical and managerial Organization of the firm 30%
  • Firms experience in Similar Assignments 50%

A consultant will be selected in accordance with procedures set out in the Regional Guidelines for procurement of consultants (Selection and Employment of Consultant (Current Edition),

Interested Consultants may obtain further information from the addresses below during office hours, 8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. And 1:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M. From Monday to Friday office hours on Friday are 8:30 AM - 11:30 A.M. And 1:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.

Expression of interest must be delivered or sent by physically /courier postal to the address below, ator before 12th  March 2019, 3: 00 P.M. And late Submissions shall be rejected

Mekelle City Planning & Finance Office

Attention: project Team procurement Administration

Room No-23 Tel. 251 0344-40-85-01,0342-40-87-57

Mekelle City Planning & Finance Office


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