Tigray Region Health Bureau invites bidders for the construction works of staff residences, IPD blocks,MCH blocks and new or blocks

ቢሮ ሐለዋ ጥዕና ክልል ትግራይ

ጨረታዉ በጋዜጣ የወጣበት ቀን: 5/9/2010

1 A complete set of bidding document may be purchase by interested eligible bidders upon payment of non-refundable fee of of Ethiopian Birr 300 from Mekelle town Kebelle 03 , located at TRHB head quartet building purchasing team , at ground floor room number 03

2 Bidders should present a copy of VAT registration certificate, currently renewed trade license and / or regional provisional trade license registration ,TIN certificate with their offer Bidders should preset the original document whenever the procuring entity request for verification

3 Sealed bids containing one original and two copies of financial proposal should be submitted as follow

4 Technical document original and copy of technical document should be sealed in separated envelops and marked “original Technical proposal “ and copy of Technical proposal “.

5 Financial document –original and copy of financial document should be sealed in separate envelop and marked “ original financial proposal and copy of financial proposal

6 All financial document should be accompanied by a bid security 2% of the total bid price valid for 60 days , and payable on demand in the form of CPO or Bank Guarantee (issued by a bank registered in Ethiopia ) written to the public body

7 Bidders should submit sealed bids for providing the necessary labor , material equipment and any other requirement as per technically requested for the execution and completion of the work to Tigray Regional Health Bureau purchasing team after published for 21 successive days on The Ethiopian Herald Newspaper the bid should open at the first day after 21 successive days and the day is not calendar day the next day will be the opening day

8 Technical proposal will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representative who choose to attend , at the TRHB building headquarter conference hall on same day at 2:00 PM.

9 Financial proposal will be opened after the result of technical proposal analysis is completed

10 Bidders may obtain further information from TRHB , purchasing team +25134404715

11 Bidders are instructed to fill, sign and seal all from of the bid document . Failure to this instruction may result in automatic rejection

12 The Tigray Region Health Bureau reserves the right to accept or reject and any or all bids , waive in formalities or advertise for new bids otherwise as may be for its best interest


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