Special Educational needs in (SEN) Ethiopia would like to purchase Assistive Devices and Appropriate Learning materials


Reference NO-SENE 001\P\24

Date 11\10\2024

Bid Announcement

Special Educational needs in Ethiopia in short SEN Ethiopia non- political, religious. Non profit making non government organization engaging in empowering and supporting children with disability would like to purchase Assistive Devices and Appropriate Learning materials which will be Utilize for Finland/UNICEF sub-granted project (Imagine 1 Day to SENEthiopia) all Eligible Competent suppliers which fulfil or our needs to tenders the supply of the following Items to promote and facilitate Disability -Inclusion to achieve its Mission ENEthiopia invites All Eligible Suppliers.

Our Selection Criterion is fair price with out Compromise the quality of the Materials and every due diligence is also going to be conduced after the opening of the Bid.

Mandatory requirements-

1. Renewed and relevant business licence for the year 2017 E.C.

2. VAT registration Certificate.

3. Bid Security in the name of SENEthiopia 2% of Bid amount in the form of CPO.

4. Documents which Show the list of the Materials Specification can be Obtained Up on non-payment from SENEthiopia Finance And Amine directorate, Mekelle Timber Building 3rd floor. From 11/10/2024-18/10/2024 in the Presence of bidders or their representatives from SENEthiopia Office

5. Bid offer should include all tender documents and marked clearly with Bidders Name Address and Legal Stamp of the supplier and Submit in sealed envelope to SENEthiopia, Tigray, Mekelle, Timber building 3 floor. From 11/10/2024 up to 18/10/2024 at 2.30 Pm (8.30-local time) will be closed.

6. Bids will be opened on 18/10/2024 at 3.00 PM (9.00 local time)

7. Notification award with be given on Teresday 19/10/2024 and agreement will be signed on Saturday 20/10/2024

8. The supplier should delive the materials within 10 consecutive days after notification award and signing of the agreement with contract security of 10% CPO or Bank grant from the total price.

9. The supplier must be able to delivery all the items in our office.

10. The SENEthiopia this tender has to addition or Subs traction up to 20% of the total amount of price or items have a right.

11. The SENEthiopia has the whole tender fully or partially of the bid to accept or reject have a right.

For additional information

Call at-0342415480 or visit special Educational Needs in Ethiopia Tigrai, Mekelle, Timber building 3rd floor.


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