Action Against Hunger have plan to do different construction services



Action Against Hunger is a non-profit humanitarian organization which is implementing relief, rehabilitation and development programs in different parts of Ethiopia since 1985. Action Against Hunger has been registered as a Foreign Charity with the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Charities and Societies Agency under registration No.0032.

Currently, Action Against Hunger operating in Tigray, Oromia, Somali, Amhara, Benishangul Gumuz, and Gambella regional state where Action Against Hunger Operates.

As part of its activity, Action Against Hunger have plan to do different construction services; like.

• Pipeline expansion with water point,

• Rehabilitation of Hand dug/Shallow wells

• Construction/rehabilitation of Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrine,

• Hand washing facilities,

• Women and Girls Safe Spaces (WGSS),

• Renovation of health care facilities, fences & other similar activities at each operational areas.

Therefore, Action Against Hunger pleased to invite interested, experienced and capable Companies/Contractors/Service Providers which have the following required information & legal documents for prequalification's purpose:

1. Administrative documents (Copy) (10%)

• Work related commercial registration certificate.

• Valid & work-related renewed business license.

• TIN certificate, VAT certificate.

• Valid & work-related renewed certificate of competence having grade level of GC/WWC-6 & above

Note: Failor to submit any of the above listed administrative documents will result automatic rejection

2. Technical documents (Copy) (90%)

• Recent Work experience (within the past 36 months) letter of successful work completion or final acceptance of at least 3 related works with their project cost from known INGO's and GO's for the execution of the aforementioned works. (30%)

• Renewed licence (Libera) of owned Vehicles and legal receipt for owned machineries meets GC/WWC-6 and above requirements (30%)

• Renewed and active work personnel recruitment agreement document/letter meets GC/WWC-6 and above requirements with their CV documents. (15%)

• Cumulative volume of work for the past 3 yrs. is at least 4,500,000 ETB (15%)

Therefore, interested and eligible contractors are kindly requested to submit their Company profile, administrative & technical documents mentioned above at the below address on working hours from July 19, 2024 to Aug. 8, 2024

- Addis Ababa Office: Airport Road, behind DH Geda Tower or around Chaka buna

- Yabello Office: Yabello town Kebele 02, H.No. New/ Tel: 0464461460

- Gambella Office: Gambella, Kebele 05, H.No New/ Location: Silase Church to Metu Road

- Gode Office: Kebele 03/ Location: south-east of WFP

- Harar Office: Aboker Woreda Kebele 13, Location: Near Harari Region TTC

- Wag Himra Office: Sekota, Kebele 02,H.No. 066./ Location: Behind Mieraf Cinema/ Tel: 033 440 02 71 -Bahirdar Office: Bahirdar City Kebele 13, Behind Catholica School/ Tel: 0334400656

- Gimbi Office: West Wollega, Kebele 02, H.No. 1118. / Tet: 057 771 0960

- Asosa office: Woreda 02, Kebele 04, House No. New, Tele 25113378791,251935886550

- Mekele Office: Kebele: Adi House / Tel: 2510342406766

N.B. Priority will be given for those Contractors who have physical existence and or have good knowledge about the areas which is supported by proven work experience at above listed Action Against Hunger operational areas.

Action Against Hunger reserve the rights to reject all or part of pre- qualification


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