VIS Volontariato Internazionale Per Lo Sviluppo VIS Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo intends to award supply contracts for stationery for TVET Colleges in Tigray Region and VIS Offices, Ethiopia with financial assistance from the EU-TF Project Stability and Socio-Economic Development for Vulnerable and Marginalized Communities in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia

VIS volontariatio International Per Lo Sviluppo


Tender reference: VIS/EUTF Tigray/003/24

 Procedure: Local open tender

Contracting Authority: VIS Volontariato Internazionale Per Lo Sviluppo VIS Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo intends to award supply contracts for stationery for TVET Colleges in Tigray Region and VIS Offices, Ethiopia with financial assistance from the EU-TF Project Stability and Socio-Economic Development for Vulnerable and Marginalized Communities in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia.

This procurement procedure concerns the supply of stationery for TVET colleges and VIS Offices, described in the annex of this tender dossier.

The supply will be the subject of a separate contract, and the quantities indicated in the annex are indivisible. Tenderers must submit a tender for the total quantities indicated in the documents. The contracting authority shallmprovide additional information on the tender procedure by e-mail.

For clarification and request of documentation, please send an e-mail to  and  Telephone number: 0930413031 /0914724231

All bids must be accompanied by :

a) A Signed Bid Form, Signed Declaration of Honor, Policy against the use of Child Labour and Exploitation or self-declaration

b) Technical Offer in separate envelope one original and one copy

c) Financial Offer in a separate envelope one original and one copy

d) Other documentation (Registration/Trade Certificate or Trade License (Legal Status), TIN Certificate, Tax Clearance/VAT certificate, Evidence of VAT Settlement for Previous period, ID of the owner of the company, Proof of having performed similar works in the previous 3 year

e) Bid bond/ security /CPO/ bank guarantee) with a value of ETB 50,000 – Compulsory

Bids will be closed at 05:00 P.M, on the 18/04/2024. Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders.

The opening session will be on the 24/04/2024 in VIS Office Address: at Nur Building, 1st Floor in Front of Tigray Region Supreme Court, Tigray, Ethiopia at 2.30 pm in the presence of bidders or bidders’ representatives who choose to attend, at the address above.


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