የሰሜን ሪጅን ቴሌኮም መቀሌ የመኪና ጥገና አገልግሎት በጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ስለሚፈልግ በዘርፉ ፍቃድ ያላችሁ አቅራቢዎች እንድትወዳደሩ ይጋብዛል::

የሰሜንሪጅንኢትዩቴሌኮም መቀሌ ለነባሩ ሕንጻ እና ለሽረ እንዳስላሴ ሾፕ መስኮት በጨረታ አወዳድሮ ሻተር ማስገጠም ስሚፈለጉ በዘረፉ ንግድ ፍቃድ ያላችዉ ኣቅራቢዎች እንድትወዳደሩ ይጋብዛል

N/R EthioTelcome invites all interested and Eligible bidders for the procurement of construction of Fence MASG 02,03,06 (lot01) , MASG(lot 02) 07.08.13 and MASG 14,18, 19,21 (lot 03) in Mekelle

N/R Ethio Telecom invites all interested and Eligible bidders for the procurement of construction of waiting shelter Quiha & Wukro (lot 01) The complete set of bid documents can be obtained starting from April 07,2020 In N/R office , Mekelle 4Th floor , office no 403 Upon payment of nonrefundable fee of birr 100

N/R Ethio Telecom invites all interested and Eligible bidders for the procurement of construction of waiting shelter Quiha & Wukro (lot 01) The complete set of bid documents can be obtained starting from April 07,2020 In N/R office , Mekelle 4Th floor , office no 403 Upon payment of nonrefundable fee of birr 100