The Agricultural Transformation Agency Consultancy Service for Provision of Construction supervision, contract administration and (AR, ST, SN & EL design update and BoQ revision) services for ACC Projects in Amhara/Tigray/Oromia/ SNNPRRegions

በኣፋር ብሔራዊ ክልላዊ መንግሥት ማዕድን ሀብት ልማት ጽ/ቤት በበሪህሌ ወረዳ ዓሳ ኣል ሀይቅ በ2012 በጀት ዓመት የጨው መሬት ዝግጅት ሥራ በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለማሠራት ይፈልጋል

Tigray Water Resource Bureau invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for Construction of RPS (Civil work construction, supply, and installation of Pipes and Fittings and electro-mechanical equipment)

Tigray Water Resource Bureau wants to extend Bid Opening Date

The Bureau of Livestock, Agriculture & Natural Resources Development (BOLAND) invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders (contractors) having BC/WC 5 or GC 6 Category

The Afar N.R. S. Urban Housing Development and Construction Bureau invites Wax sealed bid from eligible consultants for the Detail Architectural and Engineering Designs, Investigation, and Contract Administration of G+3 Office Building at Samara town through National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures

Afar National Regional State Bureau of Livestock, Agricultural and Natural Resource now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for having WWC/GC Category 3 and above Trade License for the Construction of Small scale irrigation

The Bureau of Livestock, Agriculture & Natural Resources Development (BoLAND) invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders (contractors) having BC/WC 5 or GC 6 Category and above

The Tigray Industrial Park Development Corporation (TIPDC) invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders GC- 4 & above or WC-2 & above for the construction of [Potable water supply system for Beaker IAIP & May kadra RTC Project from the boreholes located nearby, within a construction period of 150 calendar days

Tigray Water Resource Bureau invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for Expansion of water supply system at Nebelet Town, located on Central Zones of Tigray