N/R EthioTelcome invites all interested and Eligible bidders for the procurement of construction of Fence MASG 02,03,06 (lot01) , MASG(lot 02) 07.08.13 and MASG 14,18, 19,21 (lot 03) in Mekelle

ኢትዮ ቴሌኮም

1 The complete set of bid documents can be obtained starting Dec 08,2019 from N/R office , Mekele 4th floor , office No 403 upon payment of non-refundable fee of birr  100

2 Renewed Trade license for 2012 year E.C

3 Registration of TIN NO

4 2011 E.C VAT clearance reort

5 Vat registration Certificate

6 Letter of authorization

7A validity of Anti- bribery pledge form

8 Availability of compliance statement  

9 Bidders must provide Renewed Certificate of competence GC/BC Grade 8 for the year of 2012 E.C

10 2011 E.C Financial report

11 Work completion time schedule

11 The total volume of construction work ever the past 2 years must have one million work experience

12 All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of birr 6,000 for MASG 02,03,06  (lot01) , birr 6000 MASG 07.08.13 (lot 02) and birr 8000 MASG 14,18, 19,21 (lot 03) construction fence in Mekele  CPO or un conditional Bank Guarantee only and valid for 148 days

13 Bidders shall submit the document separately one envelop for technical document or original and  copy as well as Financial offers  original and copy finally insert  the whole document in large one envelop

14 Bidders should submit their bid until Dec 20,2012 at 2:00 pm (8:00 local time ) and bid will be opened in the presence of interested bidders and legal representative on Dec 20,2012 at 2:15 pm(8:30 local time)

15 Bidders can offered their price to one or all works sites (lots)

16 bidders  who meets the eligibility criteria , Technical Evaluation criteria will as well as the list price bidders will be awarded

17 Ethio Telecom reserves the right to reject partially or the fully the bid

18 All the necessary materials and Labors cost shall be covered by bidders

19 for further information 0344-413134


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