Pathfinder International Ethiopia (PI/E) with consortium partner organizations currently runs Transformer Primary health care project in four regions of Ethiopia one of which is Tigray. This program dedicated to provide high quality productive, health family planning maternal and newborn child health services that improve the lives of women children in Ethiopia.

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As one of strategies a provide quality services, it will support the regional Health Bureau in 20 woredas of Tigray to improve health care out comes to End Preventable Child  and Maternal death (EPCMD) , which in non-support Government of Ethiopia effort  within the Health sector transformation plan ( HSTP) Thus, PI/E is soliciting Bids from potentially reliable . Capable and experience furniture vendors who are able quality items to the regional program office. As per the specification given .

PI/E invites potential stationary providers to submit their quotation to provide intended quality as per the specification provided by the office. Those bidders who will submit their quotations and win the bid are expended to submit at one time shall consider the following item.

1 PI/E now invites sealed bids from eligible bidder for the supply of 40 arm chairs at one  time( the detail specification is in   office supplier can come to office and collect the specification and picture the material.)

 All bidders are expected to clearly state the unit price per item. Bidders all attach copy of legal registration documents with their profession.

2  Interested eligible bidders can obtain further information from Transform : primary Health Care project , Tigray Regional Program Office , The bid document will be inspected at the office of  Transform : primary Health Care project , Tigray Regional Program Office P.O .BOX 428 Woreda  Adi Haki , Kebele Tel 40 16 81 City Mekelle , tigray Ethiopia

3 Wax sealed bid document shall be delivered to office of Transform : primary Health Care project , Tigray Regional Program Office , Mekelle  Adi-Haki Kebele 11 ,on the first floor of the  newly opened Bank of Abyssinia , Adi Haki Branch , On or Before 4:00 pm December 20 , 2018

4 Bid will be opened in the presence of those bidders or representative who choose to attend on the same date 4:30 pm in the office of those of Transform : primary Health Care project , Tigray Regional Program Office , Wereda, Adi Haki , Kebelle 11 city Mekelle , Tigray , Ethiopia

5 vendors may be registered legally.

6 Bidders who are VAT registered are given priority for which bidders shall submit a written evidence for their service 

7 Pathfinder International Ethiopia (PI/E) with, Tigray Regional Program Office Reserves the right to accept or reject the bid


ሃሳቦች የሚሰራጩባቸው መንገዶች.
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