Invitation to Bid : Consultancy service for the preparation of five years (2008 – 2012 E.C) Strategic Plan

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Invitation to Bid : Consultancy service for the preparation of five years (2008 – 2012 E.C)

                                                                Strategic Plan

The PIT invites prospective bidders to participate on tender consultancy service:

Preparation of Five Years Strategic Plan.

Any  Legally published bidders with renewed trade license and any other requirements  per  the  term of (TOR) can take the tender  document   from the planning and budgeting   department of  PIT as of 5  April  2007 E.C

You therefore , kindly invited to submit  technical and financial  proposal to undertake  the study  enclosed  envelop on  or before 12 April  2007 E.C before 11 :00 PM (Afternoon)  Local time as per the TOR

The bid will be opened on 14 April 2007 E.C at 10:00 PM in Local time at the planning and budgeting office  of the  TOR issue presence of bidders or their representative .

The PIT reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers .

For  further information please call   : 0344411014



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