TDA would like to invite interested bidders who is capable of borehole rehabilitation and submersible Pump installation.

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Ref. No: TDA12/26616/2-24

Date: 02/04/2024



Tender Number TDA-KSHS-02/2024

Tigrai Development Association (TDA) is a member-based, non-for-profit, non- governmental organization established in Augst 1989 at Washington DC. It moved its head quarter to Mekelle, Tigrai in May 1991 Working with international and local partners and serving the people of Tigrai via implementing demand-driven humanitarian and development programs.

in relation with this, TDA would like to invite interested bidders who is capable of borehole rehabilitation and submersible Pump installation.

Bidder who are interested to participate in the tender should have and fulfill the following basic requirement,

  • Valid business license
  • Valid Tax Certificate
  • Bid Security shall be ETB 35,000.00 (Thirty-Five Thousand ETB) in the form of CPO only issued by a recognized domestic bank by the name of TDA Valid for 60 days
  • Recommendation letter or Evidence of past experience in similarity works
  • The Bidder should conduct site Visit
  • All the Work (Dismantling and rehabilitation, borehole inspection, casing inspection, water quality test and Supply and installation of submersible Pump) shall be completed within a maximum of 40 (forty) Calendar days from the commencement of the site.
  • The complete Bid Documents are available at TDA Head Quarter, located in Mekelle "Godana Mussie" Around Atse Yohannes Palace, Room number 430 during working hours from; April 3, to April 19, 2024, up on payment of un- returnable fee of ETB 500.00 (Five Hundred ETB)
  • Duly completed bids must be in sealed envelope addressed to TDA clearly marked by "Bidders Name, Address, legal stamp, signature and Tender Number." And submit their Technical and Financial documents (Different envelops sealed for one Original, Two copies of Financial Document and one Original, two copies of Technical Documents and CPO)
  • The sealed Bid document shall be submitted to the TDA address mentioned above into the bid box provided for this purpose on or before April 19, 2024 at 3:00 PM (9:00 Local Time) Bids received after closing date and time will not be considered.
  • Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders or the representatives who chosen to attend at the address mentioned above on April 19, 2024 at 3:30 PM (9:30 Local Time)

Note: The Supplier or Service provide agrees to adhere to the requirements laid out in the supplier and service provider Code of Conduct

Tigrai Development Association reserves the right to reject all or part of the bid.


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