Araya Women and Children Charitable Organization (AWCCO) invites all eligible external auditors which fulfill our needs as per the mandatory (Auditors duly accompanied) requirements hereunder:

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RFQ/Direct Shopping for an External Auditor for ESAP3 Project Audit service

Bid Number: AWCCO/Bid/002/24

Brief Bid Description and Auditors Eligibility/Requirements:

Date: 12/02/2024

Araya Women and Children Charitable Organization (AWCCO) is a non-governmental, non- religious and non-for-profit civil society organization, established in October 2014 and registered in accordance with the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia-Charities and Societies Agency Proclamation No 621/2009 bearing with certificate number 3334; and re-registered in accordance with the later FDRE-Agency for Civil Society Organizations Proclamation No 1113/2019. The rationale for the establishment of AWCCO is to play its role in addressing & minimizing the socioeconomic problems and reports its project audits to the concerned bodies. Currently AWCCO is implementing on Ethiopian Social Accountability Program Phase Three (ESAP3) project and would like to conduct an external audit service for the ESAP3 Project Folders in the duration of June 2023 to March 2024 as per the ESAP3 and AWCCO's system demands. Thus, AWCCO invites all eligible external auditors which fulfill our needs as per the mandatory (Auditors duly accompanied) requirements hereunder:

1. Auditing license from Accounting and Auditing Board of Ethiopia (AABE).

2. Copy of renewed and relevant business license.

3. Copy of the TIN, VAT or TOT registration certification (other which demands so).

4. The tender documents marked clearly, auditors name, address and legal stamp of the auditor and submit in sealed and separate envelope to the AWCCO head office, located in-front of Mekelle-Adihaqi-Subcity, back side of Libanos Hotel (Infront of Adihaqi- Subcity).

5. Bid documents can be obtained from our office starting from February 12, 2024 at 2:30 AM LT until February 19, 2024, at 10:00 PM LT.

6. The will be opened on 19, 2024, at 10:00 PM LT in the presence of auditors' or their legal representatives in our office.

7. AWCCO is reserved about the right to fully or partially accept or reject the whole or part

of any or all bids if better options are availed.

Accordingly, AWCCO invites interested and relevant auditors to submit their bid for the audit services described in the three respective years specified and attached herewith. For more Information, call via 0914-04-60-81/0914-43-68-27/0914-21-12-72.

Bid description and specification for external audit service

NoDescription of service (Attach detailed spec. if any)Unit of MeasuresQtyUnit Price BirrTotal Price BirrRemark
1)Audit service for Ethiopian Social Accountability Program Phase Three Project Folders in the duration of June 2023 to March 2024.Number of folders08
Sub Total
VAT 15% (If applicable)
Grand Total
Grand Total
Auditor Confirmation of Offer:
Name of the Auditor:
Auditor Signature and Stamp


ሃሳቦች የሚሰራጩባቸው መንገዶች.
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