ኤንተርፕራይዝ መፅናዕቲን ዲዛይንን ቁፅፅርን ስራሕቲ ማይ ትግራይ


External vacancy Announcement

Tigray Water Works Study, Design and Supervision Enterprise wants to recruit qualified employees who fulfill  the following criteria .

Required Qualification ana Experience : Diploma or cetrificate in soil laboratory or construction technology or related field 2/4years' experience as soil laboratory technician in dams

Term of Employment : Contract for 1 Year


ትምህርቲ ደረጃ

ተደላይይ ክእለት

ልምዲ ስራሕ


Interested applicants should submit their CV and non-returnable copies of their testimonials / documents/ to our office at Tigray Disabled Veterans Association (TDVA) Building 4th floor nearby Micro Finance (Mekelle) within 10 working days from the date of announcement .