ማሕበር ረዲኤት ትግራይ


Relief  Society of Tigray  (REST)  is seeking for qualified individual to fill the following  posts:

Required Qualification: MA/ Msc or BA/ BSc Degree in Sociology Economics, Devlopment Studies Anthropology Applied Geography and related fieldes

Type of Employment : Contract base with possiblity of extention  

Exprience work:  4years for MA/ Msc and 6 years for    BA/ Bsc

  • Computer certficate 
  • Dreving license for Motor Cycle


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 Interested applicants should submit the original as well as unreturnable photocopy of their documents, Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae.


  • Female Applicant are encouraged

    Registration Date - 01/09/2014 up to 05/09/2014

    place - Mekelle REST Head office Room No 105