An interesting part-time job is available at Institute of Next-Generation summer school. We are looking for motivated people who fulfill the requirement in teaching high-school physics, mathematics, chemistry and Biology
ትምህርቲ ደረጃ
B.Ed. in physics, mathematics, chemistry and Biology
ተደላይይ ክእለት
Excellent communication skill , punctuality, forward thinking
ልምዲ ስራሕ
At least 5 years experience (experience with tutorial is preferred)
required person :3 for each subject
Work place: Mekelle
- Institute of Next-Generation ,Main office Romanat square where Abysinia Bank is located (4th floor)
- Hawelti at the end of the taxi station
- Adihha Honor Academy
Applicants are required to bring motivation letter ,C.V(resume) and supporting credentials within 5 working days of announcement date.