Pre-Service Education & Capacity Building Advisor

Ethiopian Nurses Association
Ethiopian Nurses AssociationVacancy AnnouncementPosition: Pre-Service Education & Capacity Building Advisor Scope of Work Summary• The Pre-service Education and Capacity Building Advisor for Health Workforce Improvement Program (HWIP) is responsible for coordinating project activities and closely work with Jhpiego-a consortium lead and other partners. S/he closely work with higher nursing teaching institutions, MoSHE, HERQA, MoH and government agencies to improve the quality of pre-service education and strengthen regulation of nursing education and practice. The job incumbent is expected to conduct and coordinate different workshops, and high-level sensitization meetings, generate evidence on the impacts of ENA’s interventions on quality of nursing education and practice. S/he will make a feasible plan and coordinate project to achieve the goal and objectives of the HWIP. S/he also ensure that regular monitoring and evaluation of project progresses are conducted and findings of best practices are documented and feed in to the planning process.Major Duties & ResponsibilitiesLeadership:• With the Executive director, represent ENA on thematic specific issues on technical meetings, workshops, review planning;• Act as a liaison for the association with relevant stakeholders and partners, specific to preservice education and regulation improvement activities and, upon demand, for other meetings and activities such as planning meetings and provide inputs for implementation of program activities;• Coordinates and ensures efficient and effective implementation of the project with due consideration of timelines in delivering results.Program Management & Implementation:• Work closely with relevant stakeholders including HERQA and TVET authorityto improve the culture of continuous quality improvement and accreditation practices across nursing training institutions;• Work with relevant stakeholders including MoSHE, MoH, TVET authorities in strengthening the implementation of competency based curriculum, and faculty development for nursing faculty;• Work with nursing teaching institutions to support application of contemporary learning and assessment practices in the day-to-day teaching and mentoring of students and to operationalize curricular changes and revisions, and also other educational improvement programs;• Facilitate competency-based training in key pedagogic areas like faculty development program, curriculum design and implementation, student performance assessment, and self-review and accreditation;• Facilitates competency-based training in key technical areas to build the clinical skills of nursing faculty including preceptors;• Work jointly with the executive director to coordinate planning and scheduling of activities, and ensure the smooth implementation of project events and activities as well as the overall operations of the ENA’s central office;• Provide regular support, guidance and mentoring to regional branch focal representatives, department heads and/or those working with ENA;• Conduct targeted advocacies to create awareness on the project with MoSHE, MoH, teaching institutions, practicing nurses and nursing faculty;• Participate in the development of work plans, implementation and training plans, quarterly reports and other program deliverables;• Support the development of guidelines, standards and follow-up system for preceptors• Establish formal and smooth communication strategies between project implementers (ENA national and regional branch office staff, higher education institutions etc.);• Continuously organize activity reports inline to the project work plan, submits to program unit for review and submits to donors and respected government organizations;• Conduct supportive supervision to the project implementation area;• Ensure that regular monitoring and evaluation of project progresses are conducted and findings of best practices are documented and feed in to the planning process.Business Development• Identify and communicate potential opportunities for new business and new or leveraged funding sources;• Contribute to proposal design and writing.Knowledge Management and Sharing• Establish & create common understanding among implementing partners, consortium members and ensure smooth implementation of the project;• Prepare project annual, bi-annual and quarterly plan and report in light of different demands (donors and government);• Ensure that activities in the plan are rightly contributing to the attainment of the project goal;• Organize review meeting to evaluate the project performance against its plan and documents the findings for improving results;• Coordinate and collaborate with organizations/ project teams and ensure timely communications and availing all project related data;• Analyze critical and emerging issues in the course of project implementation and gives the necessary and appropriate responses.Reporting Structure• Position Reports to: Chief Executive Officer• Position Supervised: NoneWork Context• Working condition: Majority of the work is at office level but with potential to travel to different regions• Duration: For one year with a potential extension based on performance• Job Category: Professional
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Senior Integrated Watershed Management Expert

Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)
Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)Vacancy AnnouncementPosition: Senior Integrated Watershed Management ExpertDuties and responsibilities of the Senior Integrated Watershed Management Expert• Under the supervision/guidance of the Regional Project Manager, the Integrated Watershed Management Expert shall be responsible that the integrated watershed Management plan is prepared as per the standard and effectively implemented through full participation of communities and local government and sustainability ensured. Ultimately the expert oversee that the project results in better environmental quality, create resilience and livelihoods of communities in the watersheds improved visibly.The specific duties and responsibilities include:• In collaboration with HQ staff and advisors play active role in the preparation of the baseline survey for each watershed• In collaboration with the team from different levels (HQ, Regional, Woreda and Kebele) coordinate the preparation of multi-year development plans and working action plan, following the participatory integrated watershed management planning procedures• Coordinate the preparation of an inbuilt exit strategy as per the guideline and based on the participatory watershed development plan,• Coordinate the different senior experts at regional office to work in the watershed as multi-disciplinary team following the watershed logic,• Coordinate, supervise and share tasks for Kebele Watershed Technicians and community facilitators in each watershed,• Support and guide establishment of watershed user association, saving and credit cooperatives, and also other income generating cooperatives like fattening, fruit producing/irrigation marketing cooperatives, milk collection and processing cooperatives, fuel saving stove producer etc.,• Critically follow the implementation of the integrated watershed management plan in each watershed,• In collaboration with Woreda and Kebele experts and with the project team at different levels, coordinate the selection of model farmers for homestead development and follow its implementation,• In collaboration with all required staff coordinate preparation of different training materials for experts, community leaders at all level and farmers• Coordinate training for experts, community facilitators, DAs, on IWM, and IWRM, and on Sustainability and watershed performance assessment, and other technical trainings,• Arrange training for farmer surveyors and team leaders to train them and closely follow the survey of the land and monitoring before SWC measure construction is started and completed as planned,• Coordinate trainings for various income generating groups,• In collaboration with woreda and Kebele authorities, facilitate mobilization of the community for SWC measure construction and for other communal works, (physical and biological SWC activities, forest development/rehabilitation works, gully rehabilitation activities etc…)• Facilitate the construction of offices for Watershed Technicians, Community Facilitators and WUAs,• Facilitate construction of feeder roads within the watershed and between selected Kebeles of intervention to connect to the main road and to social services,• Plan, actively follow and lead the overall nursery (forest and fruit) activities inside the project area,• Facilitate annual field days and experience share events/visits,• Coordinate regular monitoring and evaluation with team members and individually,• Follow stakeholders field support and regular community watershed committee monthly meeting,• Coordinate periodic watershed performance and sustainability assessment surveys• Actively involve on watershed management impact studies and produce scientific reports• Prepare monthly, quarter, six monthly and annual progress reports, for each watershed and a summary report as per the time frame,• Carefully document activities/progresses achieved/ before, during implementation and results after intervention for learning and future improvement of project implementation (both pictorially and textually),• Undertake other activities assigned by immediate supervisor and HQ responsible persons,- Duty station is Bahir Dar Town (and/or Kunzila Town) with frequent travel to project sites and HQ at Addis Ababa. - Contract will be one year with possible extension upon performance.- Salary will be as per the project scale.
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Gender And Livelihoods Expert

Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)
Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)Vacancy AnnouncementPosition: Gender and Livelihoods ExpertThe specific duties of the Gender and Livelihood Expert• Under the supervision/guidance of the Regional Project Manager, the Gender and Livelihoods expert shall be responsible that the gender and livelihoods issues in the watershed is properly mainstreamed and integrated so as to enhance sustainability of project impacts on communities’ livelihoods.The specific duties and responsibilities include:• Collect sex-disaggregated baseline data that could be used to monitor potential gender impacts.• Undertake gender and livelihood analys is in the intervention area.• Involve and coordinate activities on food and nutrition security intervention and analysis• Based on gender analysis, develop a plan of action that identifies opportunities and entry points for mainstreaming gender into the project. The plan of action for gender mainstreaming should mirror the project’s log frame and include the development of gender specific project components, gender responsive targets and indicators, timelines, assigned responsibilities, and implementation arrangements.• Identify government agencies, NGOs, community-based organizations, and women’s associations or groups whose work focuses on gender and the specific area of intervention that can be utilized during project preparation and implementation. Assess their capacity.• Participate in the integrated watershed management plan preparation and development of an inbuilt exit strategy and make sure the livelihoods and gender parts are well covered.• Design, plan and implement nutrition security related activities and monitor impacts gained during project implementation period,• In collaboration with relevant departments, Design, plan and implement activities that improve farmer’s way of living (home economics related issues like food preparation, house designs, clothing and etc…)• Involve and coordinate activities in value chain analysis• Involve and coordinate in activities of natural resource governance• Ensure that all interventions are gender mainstreamed.• Design projects that specifically benefit women, youth and disadvantaged groups in a community.• Organize women in credit and saving associations, design bylaws and follow its functionality• Design different income generating activities for women and youth and follow its implementation• Collect data that can contribute gender disaggregated analysis upon monitoring and monitoring and evaluation.• Ensure that data collection in all interventions is gender mainstreamed,• Work with the rest of the project team in intervention design and implementation• Organize or when possible provides capacity building trainings that benefit women and other disadvantage groups,• Organize and submit reports quarterly, semi-annual and annual report.• Carefully document activities/progresses achieved/ before, during implementation and results after intervention for learning and future improvement of project implementation (both pictorially and textually),• Undertake other activities assigned by immediate supervisor and HQ responsible persons,- Duty station is Bahir Dar Town (and/or Kunzila Town) with frequent travel to project sites and HQ at Addis Ababa.- Contract will be one year with possible extension upon performance.- Salary will be as per the project scale.
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Horticulture/ Agronomist Expert

Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)
Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)Vacancy AnnouncementPosition: Horticulture/ Agronomist ExpertThe specific duties of the Horticulture/Agronomist Expert• Under the direct supervision of Regional Project Manager, the Agronomist’s overarching duty is to see to it that the horticultural and crop productivity in Kunzila water shed is enhanced and livelihoods options diversified.Specific duties and responsibilities include:• Assess state, constraints and potentials of crop and horticultural crop production in the Kunzila watersheds,• Identify suitable and marketable horticultural crops including fruits, vegetables, and nuts and introduce in the watersheds• Identify suitable field crops – a crop (other than fruits or vegetables) that is grown for agricultural purposes; “cereals, oilseeds, and pulses etc.,” and support its introduction and proper implementation,• Design introduction modalities of new potential horticulture and crop varieties( by implementing in a clustered approach) using Farmers Research Groups, Farmers Field Schools, demonstration plots, homesteads and scaling up strategy,• Exhaustively design and implement to involve (aggressively) landless rural youths in horticultural(vegetables specific) related activities through FFS modalities,• Participate in the integrated watershed management plan preparation and development of an inbuilt exit strategy and make sure the horticulture/crop/agronomy parts are well covered.• In collaboration with the IWM expert and all other project staff establish model nursery sites and develop a plan on type of fruit seedlings that will be grown in each nursery and develop guideline on their agronomic requirements,• Prepare plantation design guideline based on the fruit tree type, apply multistory method around homestead to make small area more productive and follow its implementation,• Establish mother trees as source of scions and seedlings for grafting,• Identify and disseminate simple farm machineries to the community, including for land preparation, preserving, transportation, and value addition,• In collaboration with irrigation specialist, design and scale-up irrigation water technologies (manual tube hole, rope and washer pump, hand dug wells and etc…) that can enable farmers in the watershed to engage in HV fruit and vegetable crops,• Establish and follow horticultural producer and marketing cooperatives/groups and link them to potential markets both locally and internationally• Prepare and implement out grower schemes/modalities and link horticultural producers with investors at Kunzila and potential cooperatives.• In collaboration with livelihood and livestock expert, plan and implement nutrition sensitive agriculture in the project area,• Produce postharvest product management protocol for major horticultural; and field crops and follow its implementation• In collaboration with relevant stakeholders, design and establish road side fruit marketing sheds and potential agricultural product markets in the project area,• Prepare training materials for experts and farmers and train them as per approved action plan• Regular monitoring and evaluation on private and together with team members,• Prepare clear plan and submit monthly, quarter, six month and annual progress reports, on the scheduled time for the nearby supervisor,• Carefully document activities/progresses achieved/ before, during implementation and results after intervention for learning and future improvement of project implementation (both pictorially and textually),• Undertake other appointed responsibilities and duties by the hierarchies,- Duty station is Bahir Dar Town (and/or Kunzila Town) with frequent travel to project sites and occasional travel to HQ at Addis Ababa. - Contract will be one year with possible extension upon performance,- Salary will be as per the project scale
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Livestock Management Expert

Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)
Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)Vacancy AnnouncementPosition: Livestock Management ExpertThe specific duties of the Livestock Management Expert• Under the direct supervision of Regional Project Manager, the Livestock Expert shall see to it that livestock (including poultry, apiculture and fishery) productivity is enhanced and livelihoods options diversified.The specific duties shall include but not limited to:• Assess state, constraints and potentials of livestock production in the Kunzila watersheds.• Participate in the integrated watershed management plan preparation and development of an inbuilt exit strategy and make sure the livestock management and improvement are well covered.• Identify suitable and marketable livestock development strategy that best fits the area and made it part of the IWM plan,• Design introduction/improvement modalities of new potential livestock breeds or management options using Farmers Research Groups, homesteads and scaling up strategy,• Assess, design and introduction of improved animal health services that can improve productivity and marketability of live animals in the project area,• Introduce new income generating activities in watersheds in general and area closure implementation sites in particular (honey bee rearing related like colony splitting, queen rearing and others)• In collaboration with the IWM expert and all other project staff plan introduction and development improved forage materials on all available niches (i.e., nursery sites, hillsides, homesteads, rehabilitated gullies, on farm terraces, etc),• In consultation with communities and local authorities design Zero or control grazing system and follow its implementation,• Prepare different guidelines on livestock management and follow its use,• Establish and follow livestock producers groups and link them to market,• Support and guide establishment of income generating cooperatives like fattening, milk collection and processing cooperatives, poultry processors and marketing cooperatives, honey producers and processors marketing cooperatives etc…,• Prepare training materials and combating mechanisms for illegal fishing activities in Lake Tana adjacent kebeles of the project area,• Design and introduce small scale animal feed processing technologies that can easily be implemented by involving jobless youths,• Produce postharvest product management protocol for major livestock products and follow its implementation• Prepare training materials for experts and farmers and train them as per approved action plan• Regular monitoring and evaluation on private and together with team members,• Link with different projects working on livestock development and management• Submit quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports to the line manager,• Carefully document activities/progresses achieved/ before, during implementation and results after intervention for learning and future improvement of project implementation (both pictorially and textually),• Do other related tasks as requested by the Regional Project Manager and Director General- Duty station is Bahir Dar Town (and/or Kunzila Town) with frequent travel to project sites and HQ at Addis Ababa. - Contract will be one year with possible extension upon performance.- Salary will be as per the project scale.
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Program Assistant

Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)
Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)Vacancy AnnouncementPosition: Program AssistantThe specific duties of the Program Assistant• Under the supervision/guidance of the Regional Project Manager and the Programme Manager at HQ, the Programme Assistant shall see to it that project administrative services and payment transactions are smoothly progressing following the national and project norms.The specific duties shall include but not limited to:• Serve as the primary contact person for the project office,• Carry out administrative tasks as required to facilitate an efficient working environment• Assists assigned team members by maintaining calendars, receiving and composing communications as correspondence• Oversee over all logistic services of the project• Liaises and communicates with project office staffs, providing logistical and administrative support, as directed• Take a lead role on the administrative part in organizing trainings and workshops in Bahir Dar and Project Site• Communicate and negotiate with clients, customers and supervisors• Ensure office operations and efforts are always favorable to the project team and stakeholders.• Manage project vehicles and follow their operation• Check and approve all payments and transactions before authorization by the Regional Project Manager• Writes routine reports and correspondence• Perform additional tasks as may be required by Regional Project Manager and /or HQ Programme Manager• Work in close collaboration with SNV regional supporting staffs to maintain smooth relationship and support in achieving overall project objectives,- Duty station is Bahir Dar Town (and/or Kunzila Town) with occasional travel to project sites and HQ at Addis Ababa.- Contract will be one year with possible extension upon performance. - Salary will be as per the project scale
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Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)
Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)Vacancy AnnouncementPosition: Accountant Duties and Responsibilities of Accountant• Under close supervision of the Regional Project Manager and Programme Manager and Senior Accountant at HQ, the Accountant will be responsible for overall accounting and transactions of the regional project office.Specific duties and responsibilities include but not limited to:• Conduct detail financial account of Project office• File and store financial documents properly;• Close the accounts annually and have it audited;• Prepare monthly financial report and reconciliation of bank account• Ensure that the government taxes are collected properly and timely and deposit them as per the schedule of the government;• Ensure that the pension fund contributions are collected both from the employee and the employer and deposited without delay;• Ensure that the insurance of the employees are paid timely;• Handle petty cash;• Advise Regional Project Manager on financial matters;• Follow timely utilization & settlement of Project funds transferred to regional sector officers, Woreda Sector offices, and Watershed Technicians;• Carefully check the financial report from region and Woreda sector offices and watershed technicians as per the guidance given by HQ;• Follow timely settlement of advances taken by project staff;• Manage office pity cash as per the regulation of the center,• Execute minor procurements as per the guide line and approval of WLRC HQ,• Execute payments when approved by the Regional Project Manager• Processing refunds and exchanges, resolving complaints.• Settle financial expenditures and produce regular financial report linked to payment made by yourself including pity cash advances.• Execute other finance related tasks from the Regional Project manager and HQ authorities.- Duty station is Bahir Dar Town (and/or Kunzila Town) with occasional travel to project sites and HQ at Addis Ababa.- Contract will be one year with possible extension upon performance. - Salary will be as per the project scale
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Kebele Watershed Technicians

Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)
Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)Vacancy AnnouncementPosition: Kebele Watershed TechniciansDuties of the Kebele Watershed Technicians• Under the supervision/guidance of the Regional Project Manager, the watershed technician will be responsible for proper implementation of the integrated watershed management plan and sustainability of each watershed under his/her domain.The specific duties shall include but not limited to:• Support and participate in the baseline survey of watersheds under his/her domain• Play active role in the preparation of the integrated watershed management plan and an inbuilt exit strategy,• Coordinate and motivate watershed community facilitators, closely follow up their progress, and also work together in the field,• Closely work with Kebele administration and Kebele Office of Agriculture and Development Agents,• In collaboration with Kebele authorities and Kebele Office of Agriculture mobilize communities for SWC and the broader watershed management• Closely follow adoption of technologies and strategies recommended by senior experts• Coordinate training of experts, community facilitators and farmers on various fields• Play a lead role in coordinating and supervising different infrastructure built in each watershed by the project• Play a lead role in forming Watershed Users Associations as per the guideline prepared by the regional BoA,• Critically follow implementation of bylaws in each watershed and devise enforcement mechanisms through discussion, training, awareness creation and legal means,• Supervise nurseries and monitoring sites, ensure their successful operation,• Supervise the implementation of zero or control grazing as per agreed bylaws in each watershed and enforce bylaws,• Coordinate watershed level regular data collection as per standard set by senior experts and prepare the necessary report,• As per recommendations, coordinate the formation of different groups within the watershed, support and monitor their functionality,• Coordinate and supervise technology introduction through FRGs or other groups,• Support and coordinate different studies by project staff and consultants,• In collaboration with the senior experts from Regional Office and HQ, coordinate the periodic performance and sustainability assessment,• Follow regular Community Watershed Team bi-monthly and monthly meetings, and attend when necessary,• In collaboration and with Kebele Authorities, Kebele Office of agriculture and Community Watershed Team, coordinate the regular ME and learning activities• Coordinate annual field days and visits,• Prepare clear plan and submit monthly, quarter, six month and annual progress reports of each watersheds, on the scheduled time for the regional Office,• Undertake other assigned responsibilities and duties by the hierarchies,- Required: 6- Duty station will be in one of the Kebeles of Kunzila Watersheds with regular presence in the watersheds under his/her domain, occasional travel to Woreda and Bahir Dar regional office. - Contract will be one year with possible extension upon performance. - Salary will be as per the project scale.
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Watershed Community Facilitators (12)

Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)
Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)Vacancy AnnouncementPosition: Watershed Community FacilitatorsDuties of the Watershed Community Facilitator• Under the supervision/guidance of the Watershed Technician, the Community Facilitator shall be responsible for proper implementation of the IWM plans through effective communication of project objectives to communities, community mobilization and through organizing community engagement related events professionally.The specific duties of the community facilitator shall include:• Responsible for the overall implementation of project activities at community level with the participation of the community, local government and other stakeholders.• Bridges the link between the project experts team and the communities and local government representatives and engage in community/institutional capacity building activities,• Facilitate the targeting task of project intervention areas and beneficiaries,• Participate and support in the assessments, studies, surveys, monitoring, review and evaluation activities at the community level,• Actively involve on regular data collection as per agreed guideline• Facilitate field visits, experience sharing visits at the community level,• Support to identify training needs,• Ensure adequate consultation and participation of Woreda and village/community level stakeholders ensuring active participation of women,• With support of the field technical team, provide expertise and advice for community institutions/Organizations on gender mainstreaming in the project scheme,• Follow and provide adequate support to the different initiatives in the watershed including Homestead Development initiatives, credit and saving groups, IG groups, youth and women groups• Supervise and follow all project activities within the watershed including their sustainability• Follow zero or control grazing agreements and enforce bylaws• Facilitate community meetings, Watershed use association bi weekly and together with kebele leaders and government employees bi monthly meeting,• Responsible for mobilizing the watershed community for Natural Resource Management activities on watershed basis.• Play a lead role in forming the watershed users association as per the regional guideline• Responsible for ensuring active community participation so as to ensure the successful execution and sustenance of the interventions• Supervise seedling production and plantation in his/her watershed• Ensure community ownership in watershed project• Proactively identify community perceptions and needs, and effectively communicated this to project team,• Prepare clear plan and submit monthly, quarter, six month and annual progress reports of each watersheds, on the scheduled time for the watershed technician,• Undertake other assigned responsibilities and duties by the hierarchies,- Required: 12- Duty station is in one of the Kunzila Watersheds with occasional travel to Woreda and Regional Project Office. - Contract will be one year with possible extension upon performance. - Salary will be as per the project scale.
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Monitoring Stations Research Assistant

Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)
Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)Vacancy AnnouncementPosition: Monitoring Stations Research AssistantDuties of the Monitoring Stations Research Assistant• Under the supervision/guidance of the Regional Project Manager and The Hydro-Sedimentology Division Director, the research assistant is responsible for collecting data on hydrology, sediment and climate in the stations and other hydrology monitoring points within the watershed as per the standard protocol.The specific duties of the research assistant shall include:• Collect runoff and sediment samples form streams as pre the protocol• Read and record data from climatic and hydrological instruments (climatic monitoring, catchment runoff and sediment loss) in the station as per the protocol• Read and record flow level on staff gauges• Collect hydrological and climate data in set-ups outside the station within the watershed (includes periodic sampling from Lake Tana)• Digitize and check quality of the data• Sort and organize the data; both hard copy and electronic versions as per the protocol• Archive and forward data to the regional office and head quarter• Regularly monitor performance of monitoring equipment and set-ups (automatic data loggers, physical set-ups such as cross-sections, wires, stations facilities, etc.), conduct maintenance as per standard or inform regional office and headquarter immediately for malfunction equipment• Mange the monitoring stations and staff professionally• Work closely with other experts involved on data collection processes and other project staff in the watershed• Support the community facilitator in the watershed development effort• Prepare clear plan and submit monthly, quarter, six month and annual progress reports of the monitoring tasks on the scheduled time for the regional office,• Undertake other assigned responsibilities and duties by the hierarchies,- Required: 5- Duty station is in one of the Kunzila Watershed Monitoring Stations with occasional travel to Regional Project Office and HQ. - Contract will be one year with possible extension upon performance. - Salary will be as per the project scale
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