Printing and delivery of a professionally folded route map to tigrai culture and tourism bureau

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Supply and Delivery of Audio visual tools to tigrai culture and tourism bureau

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Tigray Bureau of water Resource invites bidders for civil work construction ,supply & installation electromechanical equipment’s & pipes and fitting for Adisheu Town water supply project

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Invitation To Bid For The Rehabilitation of Shallow Well

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Invitation To Bid For The Construction Of Pipe Line Extension

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Mesfin industrial engineering PLC(MIE) intends to outsource construction of Trans garage workshop at as per the attached bill of quantity and specification

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Mekelle Institute of Technology through its Sugarcane Micro-propagation project invites eligible bidders for the supply of 780 pcs of Lumber for frame and floor.

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Mekelle Institute of Technology through its Sugarcane Micro-propagation project invites eligible bidders for the supply of 3000 meter square PVC plastic panel for ceiling

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Mekelle Institute of Technology through its Sugarcane Micro-propagation project invites eligible bidders for the supply of 3000 meter square Geo-membrane (black plastic ) & 600 meter square white plastic.

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INVITATION TO BID FOR THE Construction of Pipe Line Extension

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