ኢንትርናሽናል ትብብር ልማት ስፓንሽ ኤጀንሲ

ጨረታዉ በሪፖርት ጋዜጣ የወጣበት ቀን :  25/july/2020      

ጨረታዉ የሚዘጋበት ቀን : አልተገለፀም

ጨረታዉ የሚከፈትበት ቀን  : ኣልተገለፀም                             

The Spanish Agency for International 

Development Cooperation invites eligible and experienced suppliers to an International 

Public Tender for the supply of 3GSHS, related spare parts and compatible devices for its 

Project: "Alianza Shire: Energy Access for Host Communities and Refugees in Shire" 

Shire Alliance is the first Spanish partnership in humanitarian action. The partnership was established in December 2014 aiming at improving access to energy for host communities, refugees and displaced persons, and contributing to SDG 7. Shire Alliance gathers the efforts by three leading private companies in the energy sector (Iberdrola, Acciona.org and Signify), a national development agency (AECID), with the support of a multilateral agency specialised in working with refugees (UNCHR). The Innovation and Technology for Development Centre at the Technical University of Madrid (itdUPM) is the institution in charge of facilitating the partnership. 

On 4, May 2018, AECID signed a Delegation Agreement with the EU Delegation in Addis Ababa (contracting authority) for the implementation of the project: "Shire Alliance: Energy access for host communities and refugees in Shire", with a duration of 34 months. 

The overall objective of this action is to improve living conditions in the refugee camps and host communities by enhancing local capacity, creating livelihood opportunities, and improving the access to basic services using the cross-cutting impacts of energy. 

One of its specific objectives i: to create livelihood opportunities and improve the quality of life of refugees and host communities through capacity building, creation of businesses based on solar technology and distribution of Solar Home Systems, fostering employment and economic development. 

Budget of the tender with possibility of reduction: €517,200.00 (VAT EXEMPTED). 

Duration of the contract: The duration period of the contract shall be from 15 February to 30 June 2021. 

Place of delivery: The goods referred to in the subject matter of the contract shall be delivered to the warehouses of the Adi-Harush and Mai Aini refugee camps in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. 

All the related information regarding the technical and administrative specifications can be consulted in 

the following link: 


For English version please click on the following links 

Adminietrative Clauses: 

https://contrataciondelestado.... DOC 20200717101909 PCAP+_233_English.pdfMOD=AJPERES  

Technical Specifications: 

https://contrataciondelestado.... DOC 20200717101935 PPT +_233_ + English. pdf?MOD=AJPERES

As an international public tender all national and international suppliers are invited to participate. 

For further information or questions regarding the tender, bidders can contact AECID in Ethiopia through the following email: otc.etiopia@aecid.es  and under the subject: off grid tender