Mums for Mums Invite to Bidders for the Supply of Generator

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Mums for Mums Invitation to Bid For the Supply of Machinery and Accessory

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Save the children Mekelle area office (MAO) invites all elgible suppliers to bid for Supply of Solar and surface Pump

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The woman ‘s Association of Tigray (WAT) wants to purchase the item solar as specified in the table below

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Ezana Mining Development PLC wants to purchase Mechanical tool kit and electrical tool kit for its Meli Gold project

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Mesfin Industrial Engineering PLC intends to outsource pre engineering (PEB) building works in Meklle Tigray Water works enterprise compound as per the attached bill of Quantity and specification

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SNV –The Netherlands Development Organization would like to purchase the following electromechanical & plumbing tools

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Mesfin Industrial Engineering PLC intends to outsource pre engineering (PEB) building works in Meklle Tigray Water works enterprise compound as per the attached bill of Quantity and specification

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Mesfin Industrial Engineering PLC intends to outsource of pre –Engineering Building (PEB) For erection at Meklle (Feleg daero) project as per the attached in drawing and specification

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