CST Ethiopia represents the overseas development and humanitarian agencies of the Catholic Church from England and Wales (CAFOD). Scotland (SCIAF), and Ireland (Trócaire) in Ethiopia. The three agencies have over 40 years of experience in international development and humanitarian response and are each member of worldwide networks, including Caritas Internationalis. Currently, the three agencies jointly operate a single, integrated country programme in Ethiopia through the legal entity CST Ethiopio. CST Ethiopia is a partnership organization and works with local partners to deliver services for people in need especially on Humanitarian response, women Empowerment focusing on protection, livelihood enhancement and strengthening resilience of vulnerable and marginalized communities. As part of the resilience community programme, CST Ethiopia along with its Partners have secured a project titled Stability and socio-economic development for vulnerable and marginalised in communities in the Tigray region of Ethiopia funded by the EU through the European Union Trust Fund for Africo for 54 months starting from July 1, 2021, until December 31, 2025. CST Ethiopia would like to hire consultants to do the activities listed in the scope of works section below. Scope of the Work
The purse is to hire consultant(s) to carry out the three activities listed below.
1. Documentation and dissemination with partners of best practices on Market Systems Development (MSD).
2. Collect and document best practices and leamings
3. Production of photo album. short video clip, and human-interest stories
The common objective of these activities is to systematically capture, document, and share best practices, lessons learned, and impactful stories to enhance knowledge management. improve program effectiveness, and promote stakeholder engagement. By documenting successful approaches, CST Ethiopia and partner organizations can facilitate learning. encourage the replication of proven strategies, and strengthen institutional memory. Additionally, disseminating these insights through reports, multimedia content, and human-interest stories helps raise awareness, attract support, and inspire action among donors, partners, and communities, ultimately contributing to more effective and sustainable development interventions.
Separate Terms of References are developed for each of the activities/consultancy assignments listed above. Bidders can choose to bid in one or more of the activities depending on their experience and expertise of the consultant team. REQUIREMENTS
Essential requirements are highlighted below:
- A minimum of a master's degree in development studies, Social Sciences. Communication. Joumalism. Marketing. Business Administration. Economics, or a related field as appropriate specific to the activities listed above.
- Additional certifications in Market Systems Development (MSD), Knowledge Management, or Media Production are an asset
- At least 7 years of professional experience in documentation, knowledge management, re- search. and/or communication in the humanitarian sector.
- Proven experience in Market Systems engagement, or livelihoods programming.
development or Development (MSD). private sector
- Strong track record in collecting and documenting best practices, lessons leamed. and success stories within development projects.
- Experience in multimedia production, including photography, videography, and digital story-telling
- Prior experience working with INGOs. donors, and local partners in Ethiopia. particularly in Tigray, is an advantage.
- Familiarity with EU-funded projects and reporting requirements is highly desirable.
- Excellent writing and storytelling skills, with the ability to synthesize complex information into engaging and accessible formats.
- Strong knowledge and hands-on experience in qualitative research, case study development, and knowledge management methodologies.
- Proficiency in photography, videography, and graphic design tools (e.g.. Adobe Premiere Pro. Final Cut Pro. Photoshop, InDesign).
- Ability to develop high-quality reports, policy briefs, human-interest stories, and promotional materials.
- Strong facilitation and stakeholder engagement skills to work effectively with partners and communities.
- Ability to work independently and meet deadlines while ensuring quality outputs.
- Fluency in English (written and spoken) is required.
- Knowledge of the local language (Tigrinya) or experience in conducting research and training in Tigray is highly desirable.
Interested bidders should submit a complete set of bidding documents (financial and technical proposals in separate sealed and stamped envelopes prepared in English language). Bidders should submit a renewed license for the current year. VAT certificate (if applicable) and Taxpayer Identification number (TIN). Bidders who are not VAT-registered but hold a valid business license are also eligible to participate.
Note: As stated above, separate Terms of References are developed for each of the three activities and consultants who are interested to bid for multiple activities should submit separate technical and financial proposals together with all necessary supporting documentation.
The documents can be submitted in person at CST Ethiopia's Addis Ababa office located in Kirkos Sub city. Woreda 3, Kebele 4. Meskel flower, in front of St. Yared church, OR at CST Ethiopia's Tigray office, located in Mekelle. Adi Haki sub-city. The deadline for submission is in Ten working days from the date of advertisement.
Interested and eligible bidders may obtain further information and request the TOR through following email address: Phone: 251 933473359.