The Women Association of Tigray (WAT)Wants to purchase the item/ Cleaning materials.

Tigray Womans Association


The Women Association of Tigray (WAT)Wants to purchase the item/ Cleaning materials.

Thus, suppliers Who fulfit the below listed requirements are invited to apply

1 Have renewed business licence for the year 2017 e.c

2 Who can supply quality item

3 Bid announcement date 03/07/2017 e.c -09/07/2017 e.c

4 Bid closing date 09/07/2017 e.c at 4:00 local time and will be openedat 4:30 local time in the presence of bidders or legal representitives at WAT head office located in kebele 15,

5 The WAT have the right to cancel the bid partially or in full

6 Bidders are required to be VAT registered

N.B-You are invited to collect specification of the item from the finance office Womens Association of Tigray


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