Ethio tree main office Mekelle invites all eligible suppliers to supply and installation of solar PV system for powering to arena high school at kola Tembien woreda.

Ethio Trees Ecosystem Restoration Association 407/H-2/2025

Date 11/3/2025

Bid Announcement

Ethio tree ecosystem restoration association is the nonprofit organization established with the aim of to improve rural household income for smallholder and landless farmers in different villages in the North Ethiopian Highlands, by supporting woodland restoration, agroforestry and woodland ecosystem services development. To achieve its objectives, Ethio tree main office Mekelle invites all eligible suppliers to supply and installation of solar PV system for powering to arena high school at kola Tembien woreda.

Tenders duly filled must be accompanied by:-

• Renewed business license for the year 2017E.C

• The bidder must offer the solar distributor agreement bind with Minster of Water and Energy or Tigray Regional State Water and Energy Bureau.

• The bidder must provide a certificate of working experience in larger than 10 KW solar system.

• The bidder must provide the datasheet and origin of the solar PV components what he/she will offer.

• All item's prices should include the material cost, transportation, labor and all the related additional works.

• The bidder shall give guarantee to replace free of charge any part that may break or fail in any manner without external forces under the use and conditions described in the specification by reason of defective material or poor workmanship within a period of 24 months from the date of receipt of the item by the buyer.

• The delivery date of materials supplied will be within 30 calendar days and 21 days for installation after agreement.

· The supplier should provide an after sales service for each set of pumps using well equipped with field maintenance materials, tools & equipment's and skilled manpower for service support for at least upcoming 2 years without any additional cost.

• All Technical requirement conformity tests: Physical and operational Acceptance Test

• After delivery the purchaser shall conduct inspections and tests at the premises of final delivery to verify the characteristics and performance (Operational, Functional and defectiveness) of the goods comply with the technical specifications and standards. The bidder is responsible for related logistical expenses including transportation, assembly & installation of solar powered, demonstration and training of the technology (for trainers only).

The bidder is expected to provide or show price and cost estimations of goods and Installation and other services separately on BOQ list. And should provide compliance sheet for each request provided in the bid.

• The bidder must have the third-party certificate of the total components of PV system.

• The bidder must guarantee that all items included in the unit bid upon shall be of high quality and good workmanship.

The bidder shall give guarantee to replace free of charge any part that may break or fail in any manner under the use and conditions described in the specification by reason of defective material or poor workmanship within a period of 24 months from the date of receipt of the item by the buyer

• Financial and technical documents of the bid should be separately submitted in sealed envelope marked clearly, bidders name, address and legal stamp of the supplier.

• Bid security in the name of Ethio trees ecosystem restoration association for 5% of bid amount in the CPO or Bank Guarantee valid at least for the day of bid opening and work implementation. (cash and insurance are not accepted)

• Bid offer should be including all tender documents and marked clearly, bidders name, address and legal stamp of the supplier and submit in a sealed envelope to Ethio trees ecosystem restoration association office Mekelle from 11/3/2025-26/3/2025.9-30AM (3:30 local time)

Documents which show the list of the materials can be obtained from Ethio trees ecosystem restoration association office Mekelle - Adi haki -Aklil building from 11/3/2025-26/3/2025.9:30AM against a nonrefundable payment of 200 birr

• Bids will be opened on 26/3/2025,10:30AM (4:30 local time) in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend at office of Ethio tree Mekelle.

• Ethio trees ecosystem restoration association office reserves the right to accept or reject the whole or part of any or all bids.

• Ethio trees ecosystem restoration association office Adi haki -Aklil building near previous hashenge collage.

For Additional Information

Phone +251914112493/2519159782


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