Tigray Water Works Construction Enterprise (TWWCE) invites interested bidders for the supply of Ductile cast Iron Pipe (DCI) fitting, and Related Accessories and HDPE Fitting with related Accessories

Tigray Water Works Construction Enterprise

TENDER NO. OB01/2017

1. Tigray Water Works Construction Enterprise (TWWCE) invites interested bidders for the supply of Ductile cast Iron Pipe (DCI) fitting, and Related Accessories and HDPE Fitting with related Accessories.

2. Those who owned renewed relevant license, supplier's registration certificate, VAT reg. certificate, Tin Number and Tax clearance letter can purchase a complete bidding document upon payment of non-refundable birr 1000 (One Thousand) in cash.

3. Obligatory to Provide bid security of birr 2,000,000.00 (Two Million) in the form of CPO or Unconditional Bank Guarantee. The bid security and the price of the offer are valid for 90 days after the bid opening date.

4. The amount of the performance security shall be: 10% of the contract amount.

5. It is national bidding and bidders should present their offer in local currency only.

6. The bidder shall submit one original and two copies of both technical and financial document. All bids shall be sealed and delivered to TWWCE Mekelle Ethiopia.

7. Bid closing date shall be on 01/05/2017 E.C at 10:00 AM morning local time and bid opening date is 01/05/2017 E.C at 10:30 AM morning local time in the presence of the bidders or their legal representatives.

8. The bid will stay on air for 15 (Fifteen) days starting from the date the bid is floated on The Ethiopian Herald.

9. All items must be listed and priced separately in the price schedule. The supplier shall price for each item. If each item is not priced it is a must meet criteria that lead to rejection, because the bid comparison is in lot or total price.

10. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected.

11. The bidders must sign and stamp in each bidding document.

12. The bidder must deliver the materials to Mekelle town in Tigray Water Works Construction Enterprise Mizer Warehouse Project site or to TWWCE warehouse by her/his own transport.

13. Tigray Water Works Construction Enterprise (TWWCE) reserves the right to accept or reject partially or the entire bid.

14. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information of the bidding document at the office of Tigray Water Works Construction Enterprise Procurement office.


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