Pathfinder International Ethiopia (PI/E) with consortium partner organizations currently runs Transformer Primary health care project in four regions of Ethiopia one of which is Tigray. This program dedicated to provide high quality productive, health family planning maternal and newborn child health services that improve the lives of women children in Ethiopia.

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Pathfinder International Ethiopia Invite potential suppliers of maternity waiting home bed providers to submit their quotation to provide the intended quality as per the specification .

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VE THE children/SCI/MFO Invite To Bid For The Supply Of school furniture and outdoor game materials.

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Ezana Minig Development PLC ,Meli Gold project has allocated Budget towards the cost of procurement of goods under procurement Reference Number : MGP/005/2016.

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Invitation To Bid For The Supply Of School Furniture

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SAVE THE children/SCI/MFO Invite To Bid For The Supply Of School Furniture

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The supply and Delivery of Furniture

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INVITATION TO BID FOR THE SUPPLY OF School Furniture & Out Door Games

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INVITATION TO BID FOR THE SUPPLY OF School Furniture (Combined desk, Teacher’s table , Teacher’s chair , Slates Shelves, Tables & Chair for library & Blackboard )

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