Construction Machinery & Equipment Admin Dept Head

Raycon Construction
Raycon ConstructionVacancy AnnouncementPosition: Construction Machinery & Equipment Admin Dept Head- Required No: 1- Place of Work: Addis Ababa Head Office - Salary: Negotiable
Educational Requirements
Desired Skills
- Qualification: Minimum of BSc Degree in Mechanical / Electrical Engineering / Auto Mechanics or related fields of Engineering
- Work Experience: 7 years experience of Automotive Repair & Maintenance work including or supplemented by 1 year of supervisor experience
Experience Requirements
5-10 years
How to apply
• Interested applicants who fulfill the above criteria can submit copies of non-returnable CV to HR Office process located Lideta near Filint Stone Building A.I.A Business Center 4th floor Office No. 10 until 23rd of February 2019.• Tel: 011-557-9303 / 0913-092282
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