Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)
Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC)Vacancy AnnouncementPosition: Kebele Watershed TechniciansDuties of the Kebele Watershed Technicians• Under the supervision/guidance of the Regional Project Manager, the watershed technician will be responsible for proper implementation of the integrated watershed management plan and sustainability of each watershed under his/her domain.The specific duties shall include but not limited to:• Support and participate in the baseline survey of watersheds under his/her domain• Play active role in the preparation of the integrated watershed management plan and an inbuilt exit strategy,• Coordinate and motivate watershed community facilitators, closely follow up their progress, and also work together in the field,• Closely work with Kebele administration and Kebele Office of Agriculture and Development Agents,• In collaboration with Kebele authorities and Kebele Office of Agriculture mobilize communities for SWC and the broader watershed management• Closely follow adoption of technologies and strategies recommended by senior experts• Coordinate training of experts, community facilitators and farmers on various fields• Play a lead role in coordinating and supervising different infrastructure built in each watershed by the project• Play a lead role in forming Watershed Users Associations as per the guideline prepared by the regional BoA,• Critically follow implementation of bylaws in each watershed and devise enforcement mechanisms through discussion, training, awareness creation and legal means,• Supervise nurseries and monitoring sites, ensure their successful operation,• Supervise the implementation of zero or control grazing as per agreed bylaws in each watershed and enforce bylaws,• Coordinate watershed level regular data collection as per standard set by senior experts and prepare the necessary report,• As per recommendations, coordinate the formation of different groups within the watershed, support and monitor their functionality,• Coordinate and supervise technology introduction through FRGs or other groups,• Support and coordinate different studies by project staff and consultants,• In collaboration with the senior experts from Regional Office and HQ, coordinate the periodic performance and sustainability assessment,• Follow regular Community Watershed Team bi-monthly and monthly meetings, and attend when necessary,• In collaboration and with Kebele Authorities, Kebele Office of agriculture and Community Watershed Team, coordinate the regular ME and learning activities• Coordinate annual field days and visits,• Prepare clear plan and submit monthly, quarter, six month and annual progress reports of each watersheds, on the scheduled time for the regional Office,• Undertake other assigned responsibilities and duties by the hierarchies,- Required: 6- Duty station will be in one of the Kebeles of Kunzila Watersheds with regular presence in the watersheds under his/her domain, occasional travel to Woreda and Bahir Dar regional office. - Contract will be one year with possible extension upon performance. - Salary will be as per the project scale.
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Echnoserve Consulting
Company: Echnoserve Consulting Job AnnouncementThe Climate Smart Mainstreaming in the Productive Safety Net Programme (CSM-PSNP4) project is a four-year technical assistance mechanism financed by the European Union Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) to support the MoANR to mainstream climate smart planning and implementation in the PSNP4. To achieve this goal, The EU has contracted technical assistance and capacity building services from a DAI-led consortium. As part of the technical assistance team, Consortium-member Echnoserve is recruiting experts to work in and support the regional PSNP4 Public Works and Livelihoods Focal Units in climate smart mainstreaming of PSNP. The TA’s will serve under the technical direction of the key expert team based in the Federal Offices of the MoANR. The location and number of positions to be filled are as follows. Duty Station: Bahir DarRequired No.: 2Detailed JD:Position: Regional Technical Assistance (TA)Length of contract: 42 months Starting time: March. 01, 2019Apply by: 05 January 2019For additional information about the positions (download the detailed JD) BackgroundThe Climate Smart Mainstreaming in PSNP4 project is financed by European Union Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) for a period of four-years to mainstream climate smart planning and implementation in the PSNP4.The purpose of the CSM-PSNP4 is to:• Mainstreaming climate smart initiative in the watershed and rangeland activities planning and implementation in the PSNP IV in Programme Regions and at Federal level, to achieve CS mainstreaming in the 349 PSNP4 woredas at the end of the four years period of the TA support • Enhance institutional and technical capacity in climate smart activities planning and management and climate resiliency and adaptive capacity monitoring of PSNP’s public work component enhancing the coordination on climate smart mainstreaming with the sustainable land management program and climate smart approaches at federal and regional levels;• Enable the ministry (MoANR) to generate evidence from PSNP climate smart approaches to use to promote dialogue on climate sensitive development programming and for use for future climate financing endeavors.Cognizant of this, Federal and regional TA will be fielded, together with short-term expertise, to support the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources to mainstream climate smart approaches, practices and technologies in PSNP4 planning and implementation. Job DescriptionsThe regional TA’s role is to provide technical advice and coordinate Climate Smart Mainstreaming to the regional PWFU and LIFU, working as a part of their team in the same office. He/she will be directly accountable to CSM-PSNP Team Leader and will be report to the PSNP Regional Programme Focal Unit. He/she will provide support to regional government team who in turn coordinate with the different PSNP woredas in delivering relevant technical assistance to ensure climate smart planning, implementation and M&E training and supervision of the development agents in their work with communities. He/she will facilitate and coordinate the work of supporting short term experts fielded by the CSM-PSNP as well as the federal team when necessary. Key Responsibilities of Regional Technical Assistance • Support regional PSNP/PWFU in piloting and mainstreaming of climate smart approaches, practices and technologies in the annual PSNP Programme.• Play strong role in CSM stakeholders’ coordination, collaboration roles and technical support responsibilities.• Facilitate the PSNP PWFU and LIFU in conducting technical support on-the job coaching for woreda government partners on natural resource management, water development and Climate Smart activities; or other trainings relevant for the project. • Work together with the PWFU and LIFU and the federal team in identification and facilitation of collaboration with relevant government programmes, NGOs working in PSNP public works and livelihoods interventions, climate change adaptation and resilience activities and projects in the respective regions;• Facilitate the selection of first phase pilot woredas and communities to be supported by PSNP/Public Works and Livelihoods Units for scaling up and mainstreaming climate smart practices in resilience and adaptive capacity building;• Support the regional public works and livelihoods Focal Units in consolidating and refining the annual plan, key capacity building activity identification and preparation of public works intervention to support climate smart mainstreaming, where necessary; • Support the regional Public work coordination unit in enhancing PSNP M&E system• Support the federal team in identification of complementarities and operational constraints (e.g. sequencing of PW interventions compatible with livelihood intervention).• Support the regional PWFU to implement adaptive and responsive climate smart natural resource management and water development activities based on context specific approach in project woredas;• Assist woreda and zonal (in regions zonal structure applicable) public works and livelihoods focal persons in data collection to measure climate change adaptation and resiliency and to measure GHG emission reduction and /or sequestration;• Support organization of capacity building events and workshops;• Provide hands-on technical support, training, coaching and quality assurance of technical standard of climate smart approaches, practices and technologies in PW and livelihoods;• Coordinate and follow the implementation of climate smart practices and technologies with focal person and PW unit staffs in the target area;• Conduct frequent monitoring on the implementation of CS interventions in the target area;• Prepare and submit CSM-PSNP project support planning and CSM-PSNP support activity reports on a timely basis;• Closely work with the regional PWFU and LUFU teams to smooth any challenges and technically advise/assist the team to navigate obstacles;• Liaise with the disaster risk management and early warning focal points and planning process to foster synergies with CSM-PSNP.• Represent the project in any reviews and missions related to the project and the regional PWFU and LIFU as necessary, such as, JRIS Missions, RRT missions, PW&LH Reviews, Impact assessments, etc. • Perform any other duties related to PSNP, climate change initiative tasks, disaster risk assessment and management, high technical demanding watershed activities, etc. as requested by the federal MoA/NRMD/PWCU or the regional BoA/NRM/PWFU or the federal project team.Note:According to EU regulation, civil servants and other staff of the public administration, of the partner country or of international/regional organizations based in the country, shall only be approved to work as experts if well justified. If selected, justification needs to be submitted to EU before finalization of contract on the added value the expert will bring as well as proof that the expert is seconded or on personal leave.
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