Child Protection Officer

UNICEF Ethiopia

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the world’s leading organization working for the rights of children, is inviting applications for the above position.

Purpose of the post

Accountable for professional technical contribution to project design, planning, administration, monitoring and evaluation of Child Protection programme/project activities, data analysis and progress reporting, and commitment for enhancement of teamwork and capacity building, in support of achievement of planned objectives of the work plan, aligned with country programme goals and strategy.

Major Duties and Responsibilities of this post include:

Programme/Project Management- Ensure the availability of accurate, complete and up-to-date information required for effective Child Protection programme and project design, implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation. Draft sound Child Protection programme budgets for review by the supervisor; and provide support for the sharing of information with relevant partners.

Project Efficiency and Effectiveness- Enhance project efficiency and effectiveness through implementation follow-up on activities with various partners, including monitoring UNICEF inputs, local conditions and resources, flow of supply and non-supply assistance and Child Protection program status.

Work Plan and Project Documentation- Analyze collected data and information and prepare progress reports; draft changes in Child Protection project work plans and assist in identification of required supplies and equipment as well as in the drafting of Country Programme Recommendation and other project documentation, assuring accuracy and consistency with established rules, regulations and plans of action, and provide support for consultation with partners as required on planning and implementation of Country Programme activities.

Program Implementation Information and Data-Ensure the appropriateness of financial, administrative and supply documentation; verify that Child Protection project expenditures are within allotments and that data is consistent with the project information and database (e.g., VISION). Follow up on queries including with and by partners or initiate corrective action on discrepancies.  Support maintenance of information system for monitoring gender/sex aggregated data.

Knowledge Sharing- Compile Child Protection program implementation training and orientation materials to promote knowledge sharing with donors, media and all other stakeholders.

Communication and Networking- Ensure the effective communication and networking developed and maintained through partnership and collaboration.

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