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Everything you need to know about us.For Candidate?
You can make better by following all jobs here where ever you are?
seat tied and wait to the kind of job you want to. you can access the portal to see all the possible jobs available for you or people around you.
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Do you own a company?
All tender announcements are posted in our website for free. But if you want a more advanced features such as
- Customized, filtered tender announcements for your company
- Advanced search tools
- Automatic email alert on announcements, and
-Automatic SMS alert.
You need to register for a very minimal annual registration fee.
What are you waiting for? Register for a reasonable price per year.
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you want to post Jobs/Tenders Announcements?
Milkta is a professional job and tender announcement page with 24X7 on line; uses latest technologies with multi-lingual, easy to use and user friendly; support mobile devices
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Canvas includes tons of optimized code that are completely customizable and deliver unmatched fast performance.