Woreda Health Expert
ማሕበር ረዲኤት ትግራይ Relief society of Tigray (REST) is seeking qualified individual to fill the following posts
ተጨማሪ አንብብ Senior Nutrition Coordinator
ማሕበር ረዲኤት ትግራይ Relief society of Tigray (REST) is seeking qualified individual to fill the following posts
ተጨማሪ አንብብ Tourism Management Part Time Tutor
ያርድስቲክ ናይ ርሕቀትን ተከታታሊ ትምህርትን ኮሌጅ Yardstick international college Distance and open learning Mekelle branch wants to recruit competent part time tutors in the following fields
ተጨማሪ አንብብ Disaster Risk Management And Sustainable Development Part Time Tutor
ያርድስቲክ ናይ ርሕቀትን ተከታታሊ ትምህርትን ኮሌጅ Yardstick international college Distance and open learning Mekelle branch wants to recruit competent part time tutors in the following fields
ተጨማሪ አንብብ Accounting Part Time Tutor
ያርድስቲክ ናይ ርሕቀትን ተከታታሊ ትምህርትን ኮሌጅ Yardstick international college Distance and open learning Mekelle branch wants to recruit competent part time tutors in the following fields
ተጨማሪ አንብብ Business Management Part Time Tutor
ያርድስቲክ ናይ ርሕቀትን ተከታታሊ ትምህርትን ኮሌጅ Yardstick international college Distance and open learning Mekelle branch wants to recruit competent part time tutors in the following fields
ተጨማሪ አንብብ Agriculture Economics Part Time Tutors
ያርድስቲክ ናይ ርሕቀትን ተከታታሊ ትምህርትን ኮሌጅ Yardstick international college Distance and open learning Mekelle branch wants to recruit competent part time tutors in the following fields
ተጨማሪ አንብብ ጀማሪ ሒሳብ ሰራተኛ
ገ/ስላሴ ሀንፃ መሳርሕን መምፅእን ድርጅታችን Â ገ/ስላሴ ሀንፃ መሳርያ እና አስመጪ ከዚህ በታች ለተጠቀሰዉ ክፍት ቦታ መደብ ላይ ስራ ፈላጊዎችን አወዳድሮ ለመቅጠር ይፈልጋል
ተጨማሪ አንብብ Junior Agronomist Expert
ማሕበር ረዲኤት ትግራይ Relief society of Tigray (REST) is seeking for qualified individuals to fill the following posts
ተጨማሪ አንብብ Junior Natural Recourse Mgt Expert
ማሕበር ረዲኤት ትግራይ Relief society of Tigray (REST) is seeking for qualified individuals to fill the following posts
ተጨማሪ አንብብ