Office Machine Technician

ባንኪ ዓለምለኻዊ አንበሳ ኣማ
Lion International Bank S.CVacancy AnnouncementPosition: Office Machine Technician- Place of Assignment: Head Office, Procurement & Facilities Management Department- Salary: As per the Bank’s Salary Scale - Deadline: November 23, 2019How to Apply• Interested applicants should present in person application letter along with CV & photocopies of credentials at:Lion International Bank S.C.Human Capital Management Department22 Mazoria, Lex Plaza Building (7th floor)Addis Ababa
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ተደላይይ ክእለት
Job Requirement
• College Diploma/Level IV in Electronics, Office Equipment Technology, or related technical field
• 2 years of relevant experience
ልምዲ ስራሕ
1-3 years
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