ኮሌጅ የሳን ዶሮመብርሂ
Sun Daero College need to employ competent professional who fulfill the criteria , in the main campus and all branches
ትምህርቲ ደረጃ
- Completed diploma in TVET program Level by level
- COC certificate held of all Levels up to level -4
ተደላይይ ክእለት
ልምዲ ስራሕ
The Registrar can be diploma or it is better with relevant experience .
- so Interested professional are invited to supply in Mekelle main campus , near Axum Hotel
- Quantities of employee in each campus
N.B 1. Duration of the application is from 23/11/2008 up to 07/12/2008 E.C
2. Examination will be begin on 10/12/2008 E.C
3. 0342406264/0914004502
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