Accounting part time tutor
ያርድስቲክ ናይ ርሕቀትን ተከታታሊ ትምህርትን ኮሌጅመብርሂ
Yardstick international college Distance and open learning Mekelle branch wants to recruit competent part time tutors in the following fields
ትምህርቲ ደረጃ
ተደላይይ ክእለት
All applicants should have higher education teaching experience or research institute experience
ልምዲ ስራሕ
All applicants should have higher education teaching experience or research institute experience
Applications who full fill the above requirement should sent or submit in application,CV,original and copies of relevant documents within 7 days of the date of announcement
Tadesse hagos building 1St floor room 11
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