The Women Association of Tigray (WAT)Wants to purchase the item/ Refreshment materials.
Thus, suppliers Who fulfit the below listed requirements are invited to apply
1. Have renewed business licence for the year 2017 e.c
2. Who can deposite 2% of the cost in CPO approved a bank
3. Bid announcemen price is 50.00 birr
4. Who can supply quality item
5. Bid announcement date 07/06/2017 e.c -12/06/2017 e.c
6. Bid closing date 12/06/2016 e.c at 4:00 local time and will be openedat 4:30 local time in the presence of bidders or legal representitives at WAT head office located in kebele 15,
7. The WAT have the right to cancle the bid partially or in full
8. Bidders are required to be VAT registered
N.B-You are invited to collect specification of the item from the finance office