Arba Minch University
Arba Minch UniversityVacancy Announcement Position: Communication and Media StudiesRequired no.: 2
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Arba Minch University
Arba Minch UniversityVacancy Announcement Position: Public Relation and AdvertisingRequired no.: 2
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Arba Minch University
Arba Minch UniversityVacancy Announcement Position: Philosophy or LogicRequired no.: 1
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Arba Minch University
Arba Minch UniversityVacancy Announcement Position: LawRequired no.: 1
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Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA)
Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA)Vacancy AnnouncementPosition: Project CoordinatorDuties and responsibilities: • Under the supervision of and reporting to EWNRA Management the Project Coordinator is responsible for overall project implementation, management and administration, planning, and reporting, project level human resources and other resources management, coordination of all field operations as well coordination with stakeholders, local level project implementing partners and establishing smooth working relation with communities and government offices within the project intervention Woredas. She/he has to have good experience in participatory approaches and have full commitment to implement the project in bottom up approach.In addition has to handle the following specific duties and responsibilities:a. Lead day-to-day project implementations and provide technical input to the project team on integrated project interventions to attain concrete results in participatory community development, adaptation to climate change, and methods of sustainable natural resources management,b. Undertake regular field visit to the community in intervention woredas, kebeles and villages and monitor project progress;c. Coordinate all capacity building trainings identified in the project and involve in capacity building activities and/or trainings in her/his area of specialization:d. Properly manage project data/information and develop analytical and educative materials in line with project objectives to share best practices and popularize the achievements;e. Represent the project in various discussions, debates within and other project related discussions; and report project achievements;f. Produce field manual/guidelines for community level development workers and simple educative materials understandable at community level;g. Play a leading role in the facilitation of the participatory planning processes, the identification of needs and preferences of communities/user groups of the project; and facilitate formation of community level associations (relevant to the project) in collaboration with other project staffs;h. Participate and contribute in staff discussions with regard to promoting integrated approaches (wetlands, forests, agro-ecosystems, climate change, livelihood, etc.);i. Report progresses on daily, weekly, monthly and follow up the preparation of quarterly and annual reports to be submitted to the Main Office as deemed necessary.j. Perform other organizational and project related tasks that may be required by the EWNRA Main Office.k. Check and confirm acceptance of weekly and monthly action plans from all staffsl. Organize and chair regular staffs meetings both technical and administrativem. Check with the PPME officer timely submission of accurate reports and data from all staffs and report to the head officen. Undertake regular field monitoring of activities and consultations with beneficiaries/communities. Assess project related risks and propose mitigation action on proactively- Number required: 1- Duty Station: Guangua Township (7 kilometers from Dilla Town) with extensive travail to Project Intervention Woredas (Abbaya and Gelana Woredas)- Female candidates are encouraged to apply for the post.- Salary: As per the organization’s scale- Terms of employment: With 45 days of provisional period for one year contract with possibility of renewal for additional two years on annual basis.- Closing date: Dec. 11, 2018 and only short listed applicants will be contacted.
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Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA)
Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA)Vacancy AnnouncementPosition: Cooperative and Marketing OfficerSummary of job description: Under the supervision of and being accountable to Gelana Sub Office Project Assistant Coordinator, the Cooperative and Marketing Officer is responsible, independently and/or with other staff members for organizing and providing technical support to cooperatives and marketing and value chain development activities. In addition, he/she has the following specific duties and responsibilities:a. Facilitate the establishment of cooperative societies where it is deemed necessary in consultation with local communities and responsible government institutions including Cooperative Promotion Offices at woreda level.b. Follow up the existing cooperative societies within the project intervention localities and provide the necessary technical support for strengthen them.c. Facilitate/undertake capacity building activities/trainings for cooperative society leaders and employees in various topics such as cooperative principles and management, financial management, business plan development and related topics.d. Involve in the selection of community members that directly benefit through project intervention activities within project intervention kebeles,e. Involve in data collection, processing and keep proper records of community members who have benefited from the project intervention and report accordingly,f. Prepare weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual action plans and reports and submit to the project team coordinator/s,g. Closely work with cooperative societies leaders, employee, cooperative promotion government employees, kebele level development workers, extension agents and project staffsh. Follow up the execution of the projects activities focused on livelihood and marketingi. Study marketing challenges within the project intervention localities and develop marketing plans to support communities to effectively engage in marketing of their products.j. Coordinate promotional and marketing roles and value chain activities,k. Supervise marketing activities at local community level and undertake periodic monitoring of the impacts of ongoing marketing interventions,l. Facilitate business plan development for farmers, cooperatives, women groups and other local level networks.m. Conduct market value chain analysis for targeted communities in EWNRA intervention localities when deemed necessary,n. Provide technical support and undertake capacity building on market value chain analysis and the practicality for stakeholders and local communitieso. Work in integrity, team sprit, responsiveness, accountability and commitment for the success of the project,p. Elaborate training materials related to cooperative society managementq. Prepare weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual action plans and reports and submit to the project office and the PPME Officer,r. Organize regular meetings with cooperative society leaders and their employees to discuss and plans. Achieve other activities directed by the immediate supervisor- Number required: 1- Duty Station: Tore Township, Gelana Woreda- Female candidates are encouraged to apply for the post.- Salary: As per the organization’s scale- Terms of employment: With 45 days of provisional period for one year contract with possibility of renewal for additional two years on annual basis.- Closing date: Dec. 11, 2018 and only short listed applicants will be contacted.
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Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA)
Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA)Vacancy AnnouncementPosition: Agronomist (Crop/ Horticulture/ Coffee)Under supervision of and accountable to the Gelana Sub Office Project Assistant Coordinator the Crop/Horticulture/Coffee Agronomist will be in charge of project activities to be implemented within local communities in Gelna woreda. Responsible for implementation of project activities which include interactive training and learning support on crop and vegetable production, coffee management, nursery and seedling management, coffee processing, taking actions in collaboration with project intervention woredas agriculture and coffee institution, responsible for preparing monthly reports for the activities undertaken within the woreda to the facilitators and PPME Officer, keep appropriate records of community members who are supported by the project. Work in close collaboration with other staff members within the project.Specific responsibilities Includes:a. Organize and facilitate/undertake capacity building activities/trainings in various topics such as crop and vegetable production, coffee management, coffee processing, nursery and seedling management and vegetable marketing.b. In dose collaboration with kebele level Development Workers, facilitate the selection of community members that directly benefit through project intervention activities through vegetable production and coffee management,c. Involve in data collection, processing and keep proper records of community members who have benefited from the project intervention in vegetable and coffee and report accordingly,d. Follow up and support farmers who involve in vegetable production and marketing and coffee management,e. Prepare weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual action plans and reports and submit to the project office and the PPME Officer,f. Closely work with community groups, kebele and cooperative offices,g. Involve starting from beneficiaries selection, distribution of vegetable and coffee seeds and seedlings, and support farmers who Involve in vegetable production and marketing; coffee management,h. Provide technical input on vegetable and coffee management, work in close collaboration with project kebele level development facilitators, kebele administration, cooperative leaders, development workers and woreda level expertsi. Elaborate training and extension materials related to vegetable and coffee management,j. Contribute to the design of training program for community members incorporating issues related to vegetable and coffee managementk. Any other activity that may be required by the project sub office coordinators.- Number required: 1- Duty Station: Tore Township, Gelana Woreda- Female candidates are encouraged to apply for the post.- Salary: As per the organization’s scale- Terms of employment: With 45 days of provisional period for one year contract with possibility of renewal for additional two years on annual basis.- Closing date: Dec. 11, 2018 and only short listed applicants will be contacted.
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Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA)
Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA)Vacancy AnnouncementPosition: Population Health Environment - Livelihood (PHE-L) Integration OfficerWorking with and reporting to Gelana Sub Office Project Assistant Coordinator, the Population, Health Environment - Livelihood Integration Officer will be in charge of project activities to be implemented within local communities within the project intervention kebeles within Gelana woreda. She is responsible for field level implementation of the envisaged project activities designed for the target communities. Work in close collaboration with local community members. Responsible for implementation of the project activities, focused on PHE-L Integration and provide training, establish and establish and support PHE clubs, involve in PHE-L integration discussions, establish woreda and kebele level PHE-L taskforces and undertake environment related activities. Responsible for preparation of monthly, quarterly, annual reports for the activities undertaken within the woredas and kebeles. In addition have the following specific duties and responsibilities:1. Prepare action plan of the project in participatory way based on the project document and implement the project activities according to the prepared action plan.2. Facilitate and organize, when deemed necessary undertake capacity building activities such as training in various topics related to the project activities related to PHE-L Integration.3. Facilitate the selection of community members that directly benefit through project intervention activities when deemed necessary,4. Keep proper records of project beneficiaries and community members who have benefited from the project intervention activities,5. Establish, follow up and support PHE-L clubs to be established to facilitate the PHE-L Integration.6. Prepare weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports and submit to the project office7. Involve in data collection, processing and reporting activities,8. Closely work with woreda health, Water and Energy and other partners organization staffs,9. Work in close collaboration with kebele administration, development workers, Health Extension Agents, Agricultural Extension agents and other relevant stakeholders,10. Undertake capacity building activities to improve the capacity of youth and women on RH/FP, environmental protection and livelihood issues through application of different multi-sectoral PHE-L approaches11. Facilitate distribution of family planning commodities through non health actors like ADA’s and others in the woredas12. Work towards economic empowerment and increased capacity of youths on environmental health and livelihoods issues in project intervention woreda and kebeles.13. Any other activity that may be required by the project sub office coordinator.- Number required: 1- Duty Station: Tore Township, Gelana Woreda- Female candidates are encouraged to apply for the post.- Salary: As per the organization’s scale- Terms of employment: With 45 days of provisional period for one year contract with possibility of renewal for additional two years on annual basis.- Closing date: Dec. 11, 2018 and only short listed applicants will be contacted.
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Society for International Ministries (SIM)
Society for International Ministries (SIM)Re-AdvertisementPosition: Cashier Accountant for an International SchoolSummary: As part of the Finance Team the Cashier Accountant provides cashier service for the school and supports with diverse financial and administrative tasks to enable the finance team achieve its objectives.Basic Responsibilities:• Manage all cash transactions• Maintain cash box and safe• Collect cash and checks and issue receipTs• Making payments to suppliers and other reimbursements• Prepare petty cash payments• Prepare lunch order invoice and collect money• Prepare and submit daily cash balance report• Make and provide monthly transaction reports• Prepare records and codes of receipts and expenses• Prepare deposit slip for all income and deposit at Bank• Pay government obligations (tax) monthly• Assist in preparing financial reports as required• Perform other tasks and duties assigned by supervisor- Terms of employment: Probation / Permanent- Place of work: Bingham Academy- Salary: As per the organizations scale
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Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)Vacancy Announcement Position Title: Project Officer - Cash- Duty Station: Addis Ababa- Employment Term: Indefinite term contingent up on funding of the JEOP program- Reports to: Project Manager - Cash- Application Deadline: December 15, 2018Job Summary: As a member of the JEOP Cash project team, you will monitor, support and report on all project activities in support of Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) work serving the poor and vulnerable. Your thorough and service- oriented approach will ensure that the project consistently applies best practices and constantly works towards improving the impact of its benefits to those we serve.
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