Relief Society Tigray

1 Eligible consucting which are registered and have got valid license for the year 2011 E.C may obtain bid documents on the submission o written application during working hours from Mekelle REST- head office.

2 bidders are expected to provide information regarding the firms profile, CVs of Expertise, etc.

3 The bid must be accompanied with bid bond in the amount of two percent /2%/ of the offer in the form of Technical, Financial, and CPO must be submitted separately with separately with separate envelops.

4 bids should be submitted to REST head office, Mekelle Kebelle 17 near to Axum Hotel in sealed envelope marked, The closing date will be on Mar. 03,2011 E.C at 5:00 am. Morning local time.

Bids will be opened on Mar.03,2011 E.C at 3:00pm afternoon local time.

5 The Documents shall be purchased at REST head office Mekelle submission of written application and non-refundable fee of 100.00 birr.

6 REST reserves the right to accept or reject the bid.

7 The weighting of Financial be 35% and Technical proposal shall be 65%

8 Bidders that getting less than 42.50% in the evaluation of Technical proposal shall be rejected before Financial proposal opened.

For more infon 251-034-4406300/4406640/4406641