Tender Announcement
Ref D/D/Design/Eng.Pro/051/2017

On a recent date, the Tigray Roads Authority announced an open tender for eligible consultants. This announcement is part of a larger initiative funded by the World Bank and Tigray regional interim administration, facilitated through the Tigray Road Authority to enhance the region's road infrastructure in the 2017 budget year. This is tender involves design, consultancy, supervision, and contract administration for the construction of Rail Bridge and Special Bridge in two woredas, Asgede and Raya Azebo. This project is open to consultants of Grade III and below in Highway and Bridge consultants.



Procurement Reference No

Project Type


CPO Amount in (Birr)


Bid opening and bid closing

Phase 1 (Design)

Contract Administration and Supervision


Raya Azebo


Trial Bridge

Grade III and below Highway & Bridge Consultants




Closing date 05/05/2017 at 3:30 local time & Open 4:00 local time


Special Structure





Trial Bridge





Special Structure



  1. Any legally established bidders in Ethiopia with renewed Trade License 2016 E.C, Valid Tax clearance, VAT registration certificate, Taxpayer Identification Certificate (TIN) & Tax clearance certificate stating the bidder is eligible to participate in any public tender and valid at least at the deadline for submission of bids and Renewed certificate of registration from authorized body in category 3 Consultant and below and Registration as Supplier in the list of the mandated public body, i.e. Tigray Road Authority(TRA) Directorate Director Study, Design and Engineering Procurement(DDSDE) can get the tender document.
  2. Bidders shall furnish bid security in the form of CPO or unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee with an amount of ETB Shown in the table above for each Procurement Reference No. in the name of Tigray Road Authority. Any insurance guarantee shall not be accepted.
  3. Bids shall be valid for a period of Sixty (60) Calendar Days after tender opening.
  4. All bidders can obtain the bid document by paying 1500.00 birr (One Thousand Five hundred birr) For Each Package No from the date it is announced in the Ethiopian Herald newspaper from Tigray Roads Authority Directorate of Design, and Engineering Procurement office, 4th floor, Room No. 02, during office working hours.
  5. ONE ORIGINAL plus THREE COPIES of Qualification Document (TECHNICAL) clearly marked as "Original" anti "Copy" shall be sealed separately (4 seals) and all envelopes containing the original and the copies shall be sealed in another outer envelope Similarly, ONE ORIGINAL plus THREE COPIES Financial bid clearly marked as "Original" and "Copy". Each Copy (3 Copies) and One Original Financial bid shall be sealed separately (4 seals) and all envelopes containing the original and the copies shall be sealed in another outer envelope delivered to Tigray Road Authority (TRA) Directorate Director Study, Design and Engineering Procurement (DDSDE) before 3:30 local time. the date of 06/05/2017 E.C at Tigray Road Authority (TRA) Directorate Director Study, Design and Engineering Procurement (DDSDE) bid opening room in the presence of bidders or their representatives.
  6. Bids will be closed on 05/05/2017 E.C. at 3:30 local time. Bids Will be publicly open in the presence of the bidders' designated representatives and any who/choose to attend at the address below on 05/05/2017 E.C at 4:00 local time.
  7. Bidders are encouraged to inspect the project sites to fully understand the scope of work before submitting their bids. Detailed information and tender documents can be obtained from the Director of Study, Design, and Engineering Procurement at the Tigray Roads Authority, located in Room No. 04 within the Adams University building at Mekelle.
  8. The Tigray Road Authority reserves the right to cancel the bid partially or fully. For further inquiries, interested parties are advised to contact the Tigray Roads Authority at the Director of Study, Design, and Engineering Procurement located in Room No. 04 within the Adams University building at Mekelle before the 10-day submission date.

Tigray Road Authority (TRA)
Design & Engineering Procurement Directorate Director Mekell Admas University 4th Floor Room No.02 Mobile Number +251 948 483 472