Relief Society Tigray
መፀውዒ መደብ Planning Section Head
ዝወፀሉ መዓልቲ 2013-12-26 21:29:21
ዝዕፀወሉ መዓልቲ 2013-12-27
ቦታ Mekelle
መደብ ምፍለይ ቁፅሪ
ብዓይነት ስራሕ Full Time
ብስራሕ መደብ
ብኣገልግሎት ዘመን Entry Level
ፆታ Both
ብዝሒ 1

Required Qualification

Degree in Automotive or Mechanical Engineering

Work Expreince

8 years

ትምህርቲ ደረጃ
ተደላይይ ክእለት
ልምዲ ስራሕ

Relief Society Tigray (REST) is seeking for qualified individuals to the following post


Interested applications should send the original as well as a nonreturnable photocopy of their documents, application letter, and curriculum Vitae from 23/12/2013 to 27/12/2013 G.C.

© መሰሉ ብህጊ ዝተሓለወ እዩ። 2013 - 2024 ዘማዕበሎን ዘውንኖን ዘማሓድሮን ራክሚንት ሲስተም. Made with love in Mekelle