Cropsave Trading
መፀውዒ መደብ Sales Agronomist
ዝወፀሉ መዓልቲ 2019-02-19 00:00:00
ዝዕፀወሉ መዓልቲ 2019-03-06
ቦታ 95
መደብ ምፍለይ ቁፅሪ
ብዓይነት ስራሕ Full Time
ብስራሕ መደብ
ብኣገልግሎት ዘመን Mid Career
ፆታ Both
ብዝሒ 2
መብርሂ Cropsave TradingVacancy AnnouncementPosition: Sales Agronomist- Required: 2- Place of Work: Addis Ababa- Salary: As per the company scale
ትምህርቲ ደረጃ Bachelor's
ተደላይይ ክእለት - Qualification: BSc Degree in Plant Science / Horticulture
- Experience: 0-2 years
ልምዲ ስራሕ 0-1 year
መተሓሳሰቢ • CV should be sent to within 15 days after the date of announcement.• Tel: 0904168231 / 0114701455 Cropsave TradingAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
© መሰሉ ብህጊ ዝተሓለወ እዩ። 2013 - 2024 ዘማዕበሎን ዘውንኖን ዘማሓድሮን ራክሚንት ሲስተም. Made with love in Mekelle