ASER Construction PLC
መፀውዒ መደብ Contract Engineer
ዝወፀሉ መዓልቲ 2018-12-13 00:00:00
ዝዕፀወሉ መዓልቲ 2018-12-20
ቦታ 95
መደብ ምፍለይ ቁፅሪ
ብዓይነት ስራሕ Full Time
ብስራሕ መደብ
ብኣገልግሎት ዘመን Mid Career
ፆታ Both
ብዝሒ 2
መብርሂ ASER Construction PLCVacancy AnnouncementJob Title: Contract Engineer - Quantity: 2- Employment Type: For indefinite Period - Place of Work: Head Office and Project - Closing Date: Dec. 20, 2018- Salary: Attractive and Negotiable- Road Construction Industry experience is advantageous - Website Address: /
ትምህርቲ ደረጃ Bachelor's
ተደላይይ ክእለት - Education: BSc in Civil Engineering or Construction Technology Management
- Related Work Experience: 4 years experiences out of which 2 years as Contract Engineer
ልምዲ ስራሕ 3-5 years
መተሓሳሰቢ • Interested applicants who fulfill the above requirements can submit their application with non-returnable and copies of supporting documents.• Gerji Emperial, Besides Mega Painting Factory • Tel: 011-662-03-57 / 0116-39-20-64 Addis Ababa
© መሰሉ ብህጊ ዝተሓለወ እዩ። 2013 - 2024 ዘማዕበሎን ዘውንኖን ዘማሓድሮን ራክሚንት ሲስተም. Made with love in Mekelle