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How Milkta Jobs Platform Can Help You Hire.

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Receive application from interested candidates

Search CVs

Search more than 29 thousands CVs in all industries, career levels, and backgrounds

Branding Solutions

Boost your employer brand with a company profile, branding solutions, and your very own career site

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Why Milkta?

Largest community of job seekers. Fast, easy, cost-effective. Customer-first attitude.


Massive reach

Reach the largest community of job seekers in the North Ethiopia, from across all industries and career levels. Growing at over 2,000 a day.

Easy & fast

Hiring couldn't be easier. Our super-charged tools will help you find, shortlist and contact your perfect hire in no time

Cost-Effective hiring

Hire the best talent while maximizing your ROI. Choose from several solutions that works with your time and budget.


The ways ideas spread.
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